標題: 以教育新聞涵義為目標的名言檢索系統
A Famous Saying Information Retrieval System Based on Education News
作者: 方有凱
關鍵字: 名言;名人;評語;資訊檢索;智慧價值;新聞;Famous saying;Sayings;Comments;Information retrieval;Priceless treasure;News
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 所謂「名言」,即是古人或時下的傑出人士,因其人生種種際遇所留下的體悟話語。其中包含了「名人」個人的學識、見解、智慧,甚至針對名人某些生活情境所提出的解決方法。本身名言即是一項「資產」,是一種無形且無價的智慧寶藏。   基於「歷史會重演」、「事件會再發生」的情形,本研究即是從現代所發生的新聞事件中,索引找到相對適用可作為評語的名言。進一步言之,本研究是以「教育類」新聞中的關鍵語句,透過「資訊檢索」的技術方法,連結前人名言中的見解、方法等價值,以做為當代新聞事件中評語。本研究的期許是:讓新聞資訊的傳播在加入名言的評語後,使新聞事件的意義呈現更具深度資訊展現,同時也讓名人名言中的「智慧價值」得以和時勢新聞事件互動,引導著現代人的思維,讓名言本身的價值得以在現代人生活中的新聞事件裡活用並傳承下去。
The “Famous Saying” is well known as a short and pithy expression, which generally shows the ancients' wisdom or some eminent people's advice. Famous Saying is essentially a kind of "property", invisible and invaluable treasure.   In this research, key sentences from current education news would be taken as an index for retrieving the sayings database and take the saying as part of news comments as well.   Furthermore, according to the concept of the saying "History repeats itself," after the research get the key sentences from the news, people can obtain the related vocabulary and proper sayings through the information retrieval technique and use them as news comments; meanwhile, this helps the value of sayings interact with current news events, lead the modern to think, and also pass on the priceless treasure in people's life.