標題: 台灣電動車產業針對中國大陸市場之發展策略
Strategy Of Taiwan Electric Vehicle Industry For China Market
作者: 鄭佳維
Cheng, Chia-Wei
Yuan, Chien-Chung
Huang, Shi-Bin
關鍵字: 電動車;特斯拉;EV;Tesla
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本文著重在當下最熱門的零汙染綠能產業,電動車產業及市場,以情境分析及技術預測的方式來分析台灣優勢的電動車關鍵零組件產業,結合電動車整車開發,討論台灣電動車產業發展之策略規劃,以智慧電動車行動方案與發展策略等政府產業政策,深入研討台灣電動車之發展現況與未來策略。台灣與中國大陸電動車產業交流日漸密切,提出相關合作方案及措施,結合雙方優勢,成為全球電動車產業發展之重鎮。 台灣擁有的電動車關鍵零組件產業實力很驚人,尤其是4C (Communication,Computer,Car,Consumer) 產品代工能力。 在現今的汽車用電子零件方面的需求一直成長。電動車的人性化操控介面等都是台灣電動車產業可以一展長才。尤其是車用電子和3C電子的不同,屬於高利潤的設計,台灣顯然是全球電動車系統化與智慧人性化所不可或缺的重要一環。汽車工業首重安全,台灣是否能為高自動化,高安全,高可靠度,高功率的車用3C產品生產製造,但還需要學習歐美先進國家的經驗才能夠成功。
We stress on the popular green energy industry, Electric Vehicle industry business. Using scenario analysis and forcasting for strategy of Taiwan Electric Vehicle industry for China market in this thesis. Taiwan Electric Vehicle industry co-operate with China Electric Vehicle industry closely. Taiwan and China will become the leader in Electric Vehicle industy by combine the strong point with Taiwan and China. The productivity of Taiwan Electric Vehicle key parts industry is very big and powerful, especially in 4C industry(Communication,Computer,Car,Consumer). The requirement of vehicle IC in global market is keep ramping up. Vehicle User Interface is designed and manufactured by Taiwan industry. Safety is the most concern in vehicle industry. Could Taiwan manufacture vehicle 3C product with high automatic, high safety, high reliability and high power in global market or not, we need study on advance country and to be sucessed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis