Title: | Lotka-Volterra模型於半導體晶圓代工廠引進外籍作業員生產力影響分析 Analyzing Productivity Of Foreign Operator In Semiconductor Foundry By The Lotka-Volterra Model |
Authors: | 胡天生 Hu, Tian- Sheng 蔡璧徽 Tsai, Bi-Huei 管理學院管理科學學程 |
Keywords: | 外籍作業員;晶圓代工廠;Lotka-Volterra模型;Bass模型;Foreign operator;Foundry;Lotka-Volterra model;Bass model |
Issue Date: | 2015 |
Abstract: | 本論文為首次以LOTKA-VOLTERRA生態模型,研究晶圓代工廠勞力較高的量測區,引進外籍作業員後,本籍作業員和外籍作業員在晶圓代工廠量測區站點生產量及產值的動態競合關係。其中外籍作業員定義為晶圓代工廠量測區夜班引進的外籍作業員,本籍作業員定義為量測區日班對照組。探討以晶圓代工廠勞力較高的量測區,引進外籍作業員後的生產量及產值,是否存在著競爭與合作的關係,並且預測外籍作業員以及本籍作業員未來是否存在著均衡關係,最後,本研究除了提出Lotka-Volterra模型進行預測,還運用Bass模型來比較兩模型,何者較能精確的預測晶圓代工廠本籍作業員及外籍作業員的生產量及產值。
根據本研究在生產量及產值的結果顯示出,兩者均為互利共生的關係,表示引進外籍作業員會同時讓本籍作業員及外籍作業員生產量及產值同時成長。原因為外籍作業員擔心在臺灣的表現不好會被遣返,所以會更積極工作達成當日生產目標,她們生產量表現的提升,產值也會相對提升,更激勵擔心被取代的本籍作業員有更好的表現,達到互利共生的結果,Lotka-Volterra模型實證晶圓代工廠引進外籍作業員後,對於整體在生產效益上有正面的助益,可提供做為晶圓代工廠缺乏作業員的解決方案,也實證為何勞力密集的製造相關產業,會引進外籍作業員解決缺工及製造的生產問題 This study is the first research productions and values of operators when introduceing the foreign operators in the IC foundry measurement area. Foreign operator is defined as the night shift foreign operator in the measurement area of IC foundry. Domestic operator is defined as the day shift non- foreign operator in the measurement area of IC foundry. We investigate whether the equilibrium relationship exists between foreign operator and domestic operator in the future. Introducing foreign operators will improve productions and values of operators at the same time.The mutual relation exists between foreign and domestic operators. Because foreign operators worried that their bad performance in Taiwan will force them to be repatriated, so they will be more actively work to achieve productions target . Domestic operators perform better afterwards. The empirical explains why introducing foreign operators can solve the shortage of operators. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/125943 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |