標題: 一個不需要事先訓練的4G LTE室內定位方法
A 4G-LTE-Based Non-training Indoor Positioning Method
作者: 許雅倫
Hsu, Ya-Lun
Lo, Chi-Chun
Hwang, Hsin-Ginn
關鍵字: 室內定位;長期技術演進;觀察到達時間差;增強型基地臺中心;粒子濾波器;Indoor Positioning;Long-Term Evolution;Observed Time Difference of Arrival;Enhanced Cell ID;Particle Filter
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 由於建築物的阻礙,微弱的訊號使得全球定位系統(GPS, Global Positioning System)運用在室內定位中並不常見,第三代行動通訊標準所使用的高頻率訊號(>1GHz)會造成室內收訊較差,也不適合用在室內定位。因此,基於 IEEE 802.11 無線區域網路的指紋辨識演算法(Wi-Fi Fingerprinting)的室內定位方法為目前準確度高且較為普及的方式。傳統指紋辨識方法必須事前訓練模型並建立資料庫以供樣式比對,資料庫龐大時比對的時間也就越長,且一旦室內環境改變就必須再花時間重新訓練調整模型。隨著第四代行動通訊標準的出現,採用低頻率訊號的業者將可大幅改善室內死角的問題。本論文結合粒子濾波器(Particle Filter)與3GPP LTE Release 9中提出的兩個方法:觀察到達時間差(OTDOA)及增強型基地臺中心(ECID),提出一個室內定位方法。本文所提出的方法共有三個優點:不需要額外的硬體設備可以節省成本;不需要事先訓練模型可以節省時間;定位誤差相對於現有的定位方式相比提升了23%。
Nowadays, most indoor positioning methods are based on the IEEE 802.11 (Wireless Local Area Network) fingerprinting algorithm. The fingerprinting algorithm has to create a radio map in advance. However, the larger the coverage, the more the training time. Also, retraining is required along with the changing environment. Therefore, this paper proposes a non-training indoor positioning method, which combined particle filter with the OTDOA and ECID recommended in the 3GPP-LTE standard Release 9. The proposed method has the following three merits: no extra cost (hardware) is needed; training is not required; and the accuracy of positioning is up by 23% comparing to existing methods.
Appears in Collections:Thesis