標題: 勞動部人力資源提升計畫補助對企業落實ISO 9001意願之探討
The Willingness Feasibility of the Human Resource Improvement Plan Grant of Ministry of Labor Affect the Implementation of ISO 9001
作者: 林泰弘
Lin, Tai-Hung
Chen, An-Pin
關鍵字: 國際標準;ISO 9001;品質管理系統;人力資源提升計畫;人提計畫;TTQS;訓練品質系統;International Standardization;ISO 9001;Human Resource Improvement Plan;Taiwan Train Quality System;TTQS;Quality Management System
公開日期: 2015
摘要: ISO 9001要求企業組織俱備「提供符合承諾且一致產品或服務品質」與擁有「提供符合滿足客戶期待的產品或服務品質且持續改善」,而多數企業組織卻寄望ISO 9001是一套有利於「決策制定」、「明確責任」、「落實授權」、「增強參與」、「提高效率」、「強化體質」、「確保品質」、「簡化流程」、「降低成本」、「提升競爭」、「提高獲利」、「擴展外貿」、「顧客滿意」的「超完美經營管理解決方案」。勞動部(勞委會)自2002年起運用就業安定基金補助企業組織提升員工能力,對於企業組織的訓練品質要求滿足「TTQS訓練品質評核」為目的,而未針對企業組織落實管理之需求。 本研究針對已經或尚未通過ISO 9001企業組織為對象,研究: (1) 「運用勞動部人力資源提升計畫補助」對於「組織建立與落實ISO 9001品質管理系統」之「投入時間」及「支出費用」等二項意願之影響; (2) 「運用勞動部人力資源提升計畫補助」對於「生產(服務)管理」、「行銷(銷售)管理」、「人力資源管理」、「研究與開發管理」、「財務(資產)管理」及「ERP資訊應用」等六項整合意願之影響。 運用專業網路問卷調查網站以電子郵件、網路與書面問答邀約,陸續發出調查問卷並做為分析資料。並運用「t檢定」判定「運用勞動部人力資源提升計畫補助」影響之顯著性。 本研究結果分析後,發現: (1) 「運用勞動部人力資源提升計畫補助」對於「企業投入更多時間於建立與落實ISO 9001品質管理系統意願」無顯著差異。(H1假設不成立) (2) 「運用勞動部人力資源提升計畫補助」對於「企業投入更多費用於建立與落實ISO 9001品質管理系統意願」有顯著差異。(H2假設成立) (3) 「運用勞動部人力資源提升計畫補助」對於「企業落實ISO 9001品質管理系統與實際管理制度(生產/服務管理、行銷/銷售管理、人力資源管理、研究與開發管理、財務/資產管理、ERP資訊應用)整合之意願」有顯著差異。(H3假設成立) 本研究建議: (1) 勞動部(勞委會)應借重民間顧問機構人力資源以協助推廣「人力資源提升計畫」; (2) 顧問機構與驗證機構應協助企業申請「人力資源提升計畫」補助。
The ISO 9001 hoped that organizations to provide promise the quality of products and satisfied and expected by customers and to keep improving. However, many other organizations expect that ISO 9001 to be a system to “set up decision-making”, “specify responsibility”, “empower team member”, “increase participation”, “enhance efficiency”, “strengthen constitution”, “insure quality”, “simplify procedure”, “reduce cost”, “promote competition”, “increase profit”, “raise foreign capital”, “increase customer satisfaction”. The Labor Department used the employment stabilization fund grants organization staff capacity. Since then, the quality of training have been improved notably, but not to consider the actual implementation of management. Therefore, this research focused on those companies which had already passed ISO 9001 or hadn’t passed. The research purpose is to urge those companies to build up ISO 9001 and the desire of integrating the management system with TTQS, while "organizations use of Government grants", (1) The impact of "investment of time" and "expenses" factors for "organizations to establish and implement the ISO 9001", and (2) The impact of management combine with "production and/or service control", "marketing and/or sales", "HR", "R&D", "finance and/or assets", and "ERP" factors for "organizations to and implement the ISO 9001". The study applied the website of questionnaire survey through E-mail, internet and written forms, and use “t-test” to decode that "the use of Government grants” to subsidize the impact of the distinctiveness. This research finds that "The use of Government grants" for, (1) "Business to devote more time to establish and implement the ISO 9001 will of" no significant differences, (2) "Business to spend more on the establishment and implementation of the ISO 9001 will to" have significant differences, and (3) "Enterprises to implement ISO 9001 and the actual management system to integration" have significant differences. This research suggests that, (1) The Ministry of Labour should draw on private consultants to assist in the promotion of "Human resources improvement plan" (2) Consultancy and certification bodies should assist enterprises to apply Government grants
Appears in Collections:Thesis