Title: 人格特質與親密關係孤寂感之關聯: 親密忠誠之理想-知覺一致性的中介效果
The Relationship between Personality and Loneliness in Intimate Relationship: The Mediating Effect of Ideal-Perception Consistency in Intimacy-Loyalty.
Authors: 張芷瑜
Chang, Chih-Yu
Fang, Tzu-Wei
Keywords: 親密關係孤寂感;人格特質;親密忠誠之理想-知覺一致性;Loneliness in Intimate Relationship;Personality;Ideal-Perception Consistency in Intimacy-Loyalty
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本研究目的在於瞭解未婚成年人之人格特質對於親密關係孤寂感的影響,並且探討親密忠誠之理想-知覺一致性的中介效果。本研究以「親密關係孤寂感量表」、「性格自評量表」、「親密忠誠差異評量表」作為測量工具。採用立意取樣方式,從臺灣北部地區與網路平台進行施測,共獲得550位有效樣本,並以單因子單變量分析、積差相關及階層迴歸分析等方法進行統計分析,以考驗研究假設,其研究結果分述如下:1.男性在聰穎開放性特質、嚴謹自律性特質方面高於女性;女性在神經質特質方面高於男性。2.聰穎開放性、嚴謹自律性、和善性與親密關係孤寂感之間有顯著負相關;神經質與親密關係孤寂感之間有顯著正相關;聰穎開放性、嚴謹自律性、和善性與親密忠誠之理想-知覺一致性之間有顯著正相關;神經質與親密忠誠之理想-知覺一致性之間有顯著負相關;親密忠誠之理想-知覺一致性與親密關係孤寂感之間有顯著負相關。3.親密忠誠之理想-知覺一致性在聰穎開放性、嚴謹自律性、和善性與親密關係孤寂感之間有完全中介效果;親密忠誠之理想-知覺一致性在神經質與親密關係孤寂感之間有部分中介效果。根據以上研究發現,本研究提出進一步的討論,並提供建議與未來研究之方向作為相關研究之參考。
This study is aimed to investigate whether personality in unmarried adults could predict loneliness in intimate relationship and the mediating effect of ideal-perception consistency in intimacy-loyalty. With ' Loneliness in Intimate Relationship Scale', 'The Scale of Big Five', and 'The Scale of Discrepancies in Intimacy-Loyalty', the survey using purposive sampling was conducted in northern Taiwan and Internet forums, and an effective sample size of 550 was acquired. The retrieved data was then analyzed with one way ANOVA, Pearson’s product moment correlation, and hierarchical regression analysis to test the research hypotheses. The results were as follow: 1. Males had higher scores than females in openness and conscientiousness. Females had higher scores than males in neuroticism. 2. Openness, conscientiousness, and agreeableness had significantly negative correlation with loneliness in intimate relationship. Neuroticism had significantly positive correlation with loneliness in intimate relationship. Openness, conscientiousness, and agreeableness had significantly positive correlation with ideal-perception consistency in intimacy-loyalty. Neuroticism had significantly negative correlation with ideal-perception consistency in intimacy-loyalty. Ideal-perception consistency in intimacy-loyalty had significantly negative correlation with loneliness in intimate relationship. 3. Ideal-perception consistency in intimacy-loyalty had complete mediation between openness, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and loneliness in intimate relationship. Ideal-perception consistency in intimacy-loyalty had partial mediation between neuroticism and loneliness in intimate relationship. Based on the results stated above, the discussions were presented, and the further suggestion and directions were proposed for future research.
Appears in Collections:Thesis