標題: 大學男生「宅」之初探:人格特質、主修科系、居住型態與心理適應之關聯
An exploring study of college room-bound male students: the relationships among personality, college major, residence status, and psychological adjustment
作者: 曾牧臣
Tseng, Mu-Chen
Liu, Yih-Lan
關鍵字: 宅;網路成癮;孤寂感;社交焦慮;人格特質;Room-bound;college major;residence status;internet addiction;loneliness;social anxiety;personality
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本研究旨在瞭解大學男生宅的現象,以及宅程度、人格特質、主修科系、居住型態與心理適應之關聯性,並且進一步探討外在環境在人格特質與宅程度之間的調節效果。本研究以學生基本資料、「自評式宅男印象量表」、「中文網路成癮量表修訂版(CIAS-R)」、「社交焦慮傾向量表」、「孤寂感量表」及「International English Big-Five Mini-Markers 繁體中文版量表」為測量工具,採用網路問卷調查法,抽取全國公私立大專校院學生,蒐集有效樣本1295份,並以單因子多變量變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及階層迴歸分析等統計方法分析資料並考驗假設。主要研究發現如下:1. 大學生普遍認為自己並不宅,其中大一及大五男學生的宅程度得分顯著高於碩士生。其次,主修理工相關科系男學生的宅程度得分顯著高於人社相關科系,但與商管相關科系則沒有差異。再者,居住在校內宿舍的男大生宅程度得分顯著高於校外租屋,但與居住家中無顯著差異。2. 主修科系、居住型態、人格特質及心理適應問題(網路成癮、社交焦慮傾向、孤寂感)皆分別對宅具有預測力;當共同投入預測宅程度時,就讀科系、居住型態、開放性、嚴謹性、宜人性、網路成癮、社交焦慮傾向等變項仍具有預測力。3. 主修科系在人格特質(開放性、嚴謹性)與宅程度之間具有調節效果,居住型態則無。最後,基於本研究結果提出若干建議供未來研究、教育以及輔導人員參考。
The main purposes of this study were to 1). explore Room-bound phenomenon of male college students, 2) to examine the relationships among personality, college major, residence status, and psychological adjustment; 3) to investigate the moderating effects of environment on the relationship between personality and Room-bound. The instruments used in this study include Image of the Room-bound Male Scale (Self-Report Version), Chinese Internet Addiction Scale-Revised, Social Anxiety Tendency Scale, Loneliness Scale, and International English Big-Five Mini-Markers Scale (Traditional Chinese Version). Twelve hurndards and nighty-five students from public and private college participated in this study. The statistical methods used to analyze the data were one-way MONOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and hierarchical multiple regression. The main findings were as follows: 1) college students generally disagreed with that they were Room-bound; 2) the Room-bound scores of freshmen and postpone graduated male students were significantly higher than the masters; 3) students who major in science and engineering scored higher than ones major in humanities and social sciences, but did not differ from students majoring in business administration; 4) male students living in the school dormitory scored significantly higher than ones who were off-campus housing, but did not differ from ones living at home.; 5) college major, residence statues, personality, and psycological adjustment (e.g. internet addiction, social anxiety tendencies, and loneliness) individually predicted the Room-bound, but when putting them together to predict the Room-bound, majors, residence status, personality(e.g. openness, conscientiousness, and agreeableness), internet addiction, and social anxiety tendencies remained their predictive power.; 6) the college major moderated the relstionship between personality (e.g. openness and conscientiousness) and 宅, but residence status did not show the moderating effect. Based on the findings in this study, implication and further suggestions were given to teachers, counselors, and researcher.