標題: 建築的共生與共享開放機制
Open System of Symbiosis and Sharing in Architecture
作者: 王晟瑋
Kung, Shu-Chang
關鍵字: 互利共生;開放性設計原則;多元共享狀態;模矩/元件/組合/擴充/適應/參與;居民/族群/交通/鄰里/時間/聚落/環境/材料;多方互動行為/建築循環發展;Symbiotic in Architecture;Open Design System;Multiple Sharing;Module/ Objects/ Combination/ Expansion/ Adaption/ Participation;Resident/ Ethnic group/ Traffic/ Neighborhood/ Time/ Village/ Environment/ Material;Multiple interactive behavior/ Architecture circulated-development
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 建築的互利共生 建築並非單一存在,建築的生成可能受到其他建築、地理條件、族群行為影響,造成建築與外部環境不斷的產生互動影響,本論文將依據居住/公共空間/城市基礎建設三種建築類型,討論如何透過設計行為達到建築與外在環境良性的互利共生狀態。 共生系統整合 居民/族群/交通/鄰里/時間/聚落/環境/材料 建築構成前受外部環境所影響,而建築構成後也同樣的影響周遭的人事物,本論文將各項影響建築生成的條件加以歸納討論,試圖尋找達成建築與外在環境互利共生的設計原則。 開放性設計原則 模矩/元件/組合/擴充/適應/參與 建築的開放性不只是空間的公共性及多元使用,進一步的是要與外部環境產生良性互動,透過這些開放性設計原則,企圖讓建築產生不同面向共享狀態,讓城市擁有效率跟健康循環發展。 多元共享狀態 多方互動行為/建築循環發展 建築並非單一透過設計讓設計者與業主產生溝通,而是藉由滿足使用者需求的過程中,創造一個城市多元互動的機會,藉由這樣的互動來分享資訊、文化、資源,達成建築的的永續循環狀態。
Symbiotic in Architecture Architecture does not exist alone. An architecture may be impacted by other architectures, geographical features, and people behaviors. It causes the continually interact between architecture and outside environment. This thesis will discuss how to make symbiotic situation between architecture and outside environment through design based on three building typologies, which are house/ public space/ Infrastructure. Integrate Symbiotic System Resident/ Ethnic group/ Traffic/ Neighborhood/ Time/ Village/ Environment/ Material Before an architecture constructed, it is affected by outside environment. However, after constructed, it is also affected by people, objects and events around. This thesis generalized each impact of architecture generation and tried to find the design principal of symbiotic between architecture and outside environment. Open Design System Module/ Objects/ Combination/ Expansion/ Adaption/ Participation Open design system of an architecture is not only for space publicness and multiple use, moreover, it is for good interaction with outside environment. Trough the open design system, I attempt to create different sharing situation in architecture and make cities circulated-develop efficiently and healthily. Multiple Sharing Multiple interactive behavior/ Architecture circulated-development Design is not the only communication method between architect and proprietor. Through the process of satisfied users need, create the opportunities for multiple interaction in a city. Through this interaction, people share information, culture and resources. It reaches the sustainable circulative situation in architecture.