標題: 漸築
Progressive Architecture
作者: 吳忠勳
Wu, Chun-Shin
Chang, Chi-Yi
關鍵字: 環境;垂直;都市;重塑;太陽能;博物館;小學;對話;environment;vertical;city;resize;solar;museum;primary school;dialogue
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 建築作為人類的居住體,除了滿足基本的需求外,「設計」的介入讓建築與人發生真正的互動關係。 而如果將建築視為一個介面,則建築讓人和環境發生互動關係。環境的變化一方面改變建築的樣貌,另一方面也使人 隨著時間重新體驗建築,人的活動也隨著時間改變建築的型態、使用方式,因此「人」、「建築」、「環境」形成一 個有機的生命體,「時間」成為滋潤這個生命體的養分。 「漸築」是我對我的作品的註解,在我的作品中,建築沒有固定的型態和使用方式,空間的形成與改變是隨著時間「 漸漸構築而成的」。 「漸築」讓使用者慢慢與環境對話、漸漸尊重環境,空間的意義則成為某個時刻的瞬間,談論空間的本質勢必加入時 間的因素。 「漸築」讓使用者變得主觀,建築師變得客觀,時間讓空間產生使用者的特質,甚至反應都市的性格,建築師為使用 者設計活動的載體,由使用者賦予空間性格。
Architecture as a living container for human, to satisfy the basic needs for daily life. The process of design in all the projects shows the interaction between architecture and hurman, that enable the building and the human coexist with each other. If the architecture as an interface, it will interact with people and the surrounding environment. Every lillte factor that surround us can effect the look of architecture, such as climate, density, activity, culture...etc. "human","architecture" and "environment" become the most important factor that can not be leave out, and these are the basic component that consist our sosicty." time " is also play an important role that nourishing those factors to develop in to something useful in our life . "Progressive Architecture" is the focuse through all my design project. In all the projects, architecture has no fixed type and usage. Architecture is developing and changing gradully through the space over time. The idea is to allow users to have dialogue with the environment and respect the environment gradually. The significance of space has become a moment. Mentioning the essence of space is bound to add the time factor. "Progressive Architecture" allows users to become subjective, architects become objective. Time makes space has the characteristics for the users, and also respond to the character of the city. Architects design the container of the activities and the occupant, to create the desire space for the user.


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