標題: 車用液晶顯示器成長策略評析
A Strategic Analysis of Growth on Automotive Displays
作者: 周家源
關鍵字: 車用液晶顯示器;成長策略;直接採購;安索夫矩陣;Automotive Display;Growth Startegy;Direct Business;Ansoff Matrix
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 從各種市調報告的數據顯示,車用顯示面板在未來的5年內基本上仍然是維持成長的局面; 而主要的成長動能除了汽車銷售的持續增長以外,另外也跟車內的顯示相關應用持續增加也有相當的關聯性; 而相較於中小尺寸的面板應用來說,除了手機以外,大概就屬車用面板仍然是處於持續成長的情況,也因此各家面板廠也都願意在這一塊領域投注相當的資源,以爭取另外一個可能的面板出海口 不過, 近年來我們可以在車用面板產業發現一個現象;以往,面板廠相較於車廠,還是屬於一個零組件供應商的角色,透過與下游的系統整合廠的搭配,才有辦法組成一個完整的車用顯示系統 (包含導航,影音, 行車資訊等等);但是車廠從2005年開始,逐漸增加與面板供應商的聯繫,規格討論,並進而有直接採購的行為;而這樣打破以往供應鍊的現象,也讓一向與系統廠關係密切的面板廠角色陷入兩難; 從面板廠來看,車廠是一個終端客戶,終端客戶的需求必須要予以滿足,才能確保面板廠在車廠的能見度; 但是與車廠的合作過於密切,也會讓現行的系統廠 (供應鍊)感到不安與緊張 因此,在這樣的前提底下,本研究希望可以透過不同的技術需求,與市場(車廠/系統廠)面向來探討,面板廠有哪些選項可以參考,以及不同的選項各有什麼優缺點;同時也帶出為什麼車廠會有直接採購的情況發生,也讓面板廠在未來的車用面板市場競爭當中有一些參考的建議
From all kinds of market research, the automotive display industry keeps growing in next 5 years; and the reasons to grow mainly results from the continuous growth of car sales, and the increasing display related applications; In addition to other Small/Medium display applications, except Mobile phones, automotive displays is the only application with significant growth; thus, almost every TFT-LCD makers is willing to invest on the segments of automotive displays. From the existing relationship of supply chain, LCD makers, as a component supplier, have to co-work with system integrator (such as Navigation, Multi-media, driver informations..etc) to phase in car makers’supply chain; however, we can find, since 2005,car makers start to have frequent & direct contacts ,including negotiations of specification ,further, directly dealing with LCD makers. From LCD makers’ points of view, it will be inappropriate not to response to car makers’ requirements; however, the uneased relationship between LCD makers & system integrators might be incurred due to the direct business between LCD makers & car makers. Thus, under such a circumstance, through different technical requirements, and different markets segments (System Integrators/ Car makers),this research is trying to explore what options LCD might have, and what the benefits or drawbacks it would be , if they did adapt that option; In the meantime, this research is also trying to investigate what causes the direct business between Car makers & LCD Makers, and wish to output some of the strategic advices to the LCD makers in the competitive market of automotive displays.