Title: 太陽能電池公司成長策略
The Growth Strategies of Solar Cell Companies
Authors: 陳永修
Chen, Yun-Hsiu
Chu, Po-Young
Keywords: 成長策略;價值創新;併購策略;競爭分析;Growth Strategies;Value Innovation;Merger & Acquisition;Competition Analysis
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 太陽能產業是台灣近年來最受注目的綠色能源產業之一,目前的市佔率為全球第二,但自2011年第二季起,因歐洲債務危機,歐洲主要太陽能國家大砍補貼,在加上中國廠商盲目擴廠而導致全球性的供過於求,太陽能產品售價遠低於製造成本,因此不少歐美太陽能企業關廠倒閉。雖然目前台灣的太陽能產業仍處在十字路口,但全球的太陽能需求仍維持穩定的成長,台灣企業若能以優異的研發與製造能力為基礎並發展創新的商業模式,相信仍能在世界太陽能產業取得獨特的定位。本研究旨在於發掘台灣太陽能電池產業的成長動力,經由探討太陽能電池產業的歷程,分析主要公司的概況,以及產業的發展瓶頸等問題,佐以個案公司的成長歷程、產品市場定位、競爭態勢與有所取捨的成長模式、分析決策的綜效與風險,並提出適合個案公司未來發展的建議,希望能作為台灣太陽能電池公司成長模式的參考。
Solar industry is the one of the most important segments of renewable energy in Taiwan, as it ranks top 2 in the global market share. Due to Europe debt crisis and global oversupply, some U.S and Europe solar companies had gone bankrupt since 2011. According to the market research analysis, solar cell demands still keep rising in the future while this industry is at its crossroad now. Taiwanese solar companies should explore innovative business models by taking advantage of their superior manufacturing competence. This research attempts to identify the dynamics of solar industry by examining the development of the solar industry in the global market, analyzing each individual company and reviewing the bottlenecks in the industry development. We conduct the case studies from company backgrounds, competition analysis, selected strategies and decision making consideration such as risk assessment and expected synergy. By conducting strategic analyses through positioning, making trade-off and creative fitness among activities, we make the proposals as the growth models for Taiwan solar cell companies.
Appears in Collections:Thesis