標題: TFT LCD液晶模組業之全球通路佈建與營運發展之研究
The Study of Building Global Channel and Operational Development Pattern for TFT LCD's LCD Module Industry
作者: 陳淑桂
Chen, Shu-Kuei
Chen, Quang-Hua
Jen, Wei-Lian
關鍵字: TFT LCD;全球通路;國際市場開發型態;海外產銷基地;TFT LCD;global access;international market development patterns;overseas sales base
公開日期: 2015
摘要: TFT LCD (Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display) 又稱為薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器為近來政府極力扶持的明星產業。 尺寸由小到大, 材質由硬至軟; 近年研發出觸控、3D祼視技術、4K2K、OLED、量子點LCD、AMOLED等不斷顛覆人類過去對視覺的想像及顯示器的使用方式。 TFT LCD產業為一進入門檻高且需不斷投資設備廠房以邁進新一世代面板廠的高成本行業, 因此藉由併購及策略聯盟方式, 面板廠大者恆大的效應逐漸產生。TFT LCD 技術源起於日本, 製造基地集中在亞洲日本、韓國、台灣及中國; 產業集中化趨勢十分明顯。高科技產業邁進低毛利時代, 製造業者為了在日益競爭的商業環境存活下來, 必須在製造及管銷成本等各環節仔細評估後制定公司的經營策略; 在全球經濟衰退下, 各面板廠彼此競合、精實營運以達到高效率的滿足客戶需求及降低庫存目標即為成功關鍵, 也是各面板相關業者致力經營維持生存的重要目標。 台灣面板產業源起於90年代, 技術多由日本轉移或產研合作; 在政府大力的支持下已在世界TFT LCD供應鏈佔有一席之地, 迄至2014年為止, 約佔全球35% 之產出; 而TFT LCD 之產值達新台幣1.6兆元更占台灣GDP達11.2% (資料來源:IT IS智網), 實為一不可小覷之產業。 本研究以A公司為研究個案, 藉由其營運經驗及產業專家的回饋, 可以邏輯性地建立一套公正客觀的營運模式, 讓個案A公司日後對全球通路之佈建及營運方式之評選的過程, 使評選方式更具系統及科學性以避免決策因人為主觀偏好而導致決策考慮因子不夠周全的可能性謬誤。
TFT LCD (Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display), also known as thin film transistor liquid crystal displays for the government strongly supported the recent star of the industry. Size from small to large, material from hard to soft; in recent years developed multi touch, 3D visual naked technology, 4K2K, OLED, quantum dot LCD, AMOLED and so continue to subvert the human past usage of visual imagination and the display. TFT LCD industry is a high barriers to entry and the need to continue to invest in plant equipment in order to move into the new generation panel plant in a high-cost industry, so by way of mergers and acquisitions and strategic alliances, panel plant the bigger the effect gradually produced. TFT LCD technology originated in Japan, manufacturing bases are concentrated in Asia, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China; industrial centralization trend is clear. TFT LCD phase into low-margin industry era, manufacturers in order in an increasingly competitive business environment to survive, we must in the manufacture and management and marketing costs and other aspects of the development of the company's business strategy, after careful assessment; the global recession, competing with each other for each panel plant , lean operating to achieve high efficiency to meet customer demand and reduce inventory target is the key to success, but also the various panels related industry is committed to maintaining the important goal of business survival. Taiwan panel industry originated in the 1990s, technology transfer or produce more research cooperation from Japan; has a place in the world TFT LCD supply chain in the Government's strong support, until to 2014, accounting for about 35% of the output globally; the relevant output of TFT LCD accounted NTD1600B for more Taiwan GDP amounted 11.2%. In fact, one of the industry should not be overlooked. In this study, A case study of the company, with its operating experience feedback and industry experts, the rich can logically establish a fair and business mode, so the case A company in the future path of the global fabric construction and operation mode of selection the process to make the selection system and a more scientific way to avoid the subjective preferences of the decision-making due to human factors leading to the decision-making is not enough to consider the possibility of comprehensive fallacy.