標題: 網路發展對國際時尚品牌行銷策略的影響
How digital influence international luxury brand to make strategic plan
作者: 陳季青
Chung, Hui-Ming
關鍵字: 網路;行銷策略;時尚品牌;digital;strategic plan;luxury brand
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 從網際網路還沒普及的時代,品牌靠著支付媒體費用的傳統廣告,到網際網路普及後以圖文來呈現資訊,各大品牌爭相發展網路行銷,提供消費者更完整的資訊。這一段過程,消費者與品牌間的關係,產生了質變,使品牌必需邀集更多人才加入,並構思品牌的發展方向及行銷策略。本文將以三個國際時尚品牌Burberry、Louis Vuitton、Hermès來探討它們如何以新的行銷策略來因應全球科技的變化。 近年來網際網路蓬勃發展,再加上行動手持裝置的盛行,使得消費者對於國際時尚品牌的購物模式改變,以Burberry、Louis Vuitton、Hermès這幾年的營收來分析這些變遷對品牌的影響,並且利用SWOT分析國際時尚品牌如何因應這樣的一個全球趨勢。這幾年國際時尚品牌的行銷策略受到新時代的影響,因而發展出一套新的模式,在網際網路以及社群媒體的推瀾助瀾之下,新思維的廣告模式、全球連線時裝秀等等,變成品牌必要發展的一個方向。 利用與數位科技結合之後,品牌的目標客群以及廣告策略的改變,去分析國際時尚品牌如何與網際網路做連結。網際網路普及後,發展最明顯的莫過於社群網路,而在社群媒體蓬勃發展後,消費者的習性如何變動,也是品牌需要留意且加以分析的。 電子商務的發展是新時代的趨勢,然而相對地,這樣的發展勢必也會帶來問題,品牌如何在兼顧品牌形象與品牌特色,且維持品牌地位的情況下,克服潛在的威脅,並且持續的為企業帶來營收將是本論文主要分析的重點。
Before the advent of the internet, brands utilized traditional advertising to the public. And now, all brands compete to develop Internet marketing in order to provide consumers with integral information. Through this trend towards digital advertising, the relationship between consumers and brands has been changing. This trend requires brands to recruit more talented people in order formulate new ideas, new development directions and marketing strategies. This paper is going to take three international fashion brands as examples and discusses how their new marketing strategies are coping with global technical changes. Because of the Internet’s booming development and mobile devices’ popularity during these years, consumers’ shopping patterns for international fashion brands has been changing. We’re going to use brands’ annual sales to analyze the effects caused by these changes and take advantage of SWOT analysis to analyze what strategies these brands should implement the global business trend toward digital advertising. In recent years, international fashion brands’ marketing strategies have been affected by this trend and thus have been developing a new model. And at the incitement of the Internet and social media, new advertising mode and global connection fashion shows have been becoming essential development directions. The target customers have been changing, due to the popularity of the internet, resulting in a younger target group. Brands have been taking advantage of the opportunity to target this group by implementing advertising strategies that utilize the digital technology to analyze how international fashion brands link with the Internet . Community networking is one of the most obvious developments in the age of the Internet. And in the age of booming social media, brands also need to pay attention to the rapid changes in consumer habits. The development of e-commerce is the trend of a new era. However, this development will definitely generate challenges for the brand. How to maintain the status of the brand, including both brand image and brand characteristics, and overcome the potential threats as well as achieve good finical performance for these companies is the main focus of this paper.