Title: 觀看‧ 建築
Projection and Seeing of Architecture
Authors: 鄭婉伶
Cheng, Wan-Ling
Kung, Shu-Shang
Keywords: 觀看;視線;視覺;空間體驗;透視圖;輕盈;視野;Watch;Sight;Visual;Space experience;Perspective;Light;Vision
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 空間視覺化一直是建築設計者記述空間的表現手法,包括圖面、模型和照 片等。在建築的設計過程中,設計者使用各式各樣的媒體,將片段的想法 視覺化,腦中浮現的想法如何呈現,如何執行,這都是設計者觀看建築的 想像。 當建築案完成後,觀看的行為轉移到使用者,此刻的觀看方式是設計者在 建築產生時就細細模擬過,設計者鼓勵使用者如何觀看,可以是注視的、 有距離的、沉思的、流動的、即時的、掃視的、瀏覽式的等……。 本論文主要探討建築當中的「觀看」,把觀看分為設計者的想像觀看和使 用者的經驗觀看,建立觀看與建築的五種關係: [ 游移的視線] -設法讓觀者完全照設計者方式觀看空間,並且獲得更多驚奇和快樂。需要觀者視線不斷游移,掃視不斷變動的空間。 [ 拼湊出來的建築] -不停運動的複數視點,用各種角度對場地作透視,產生空間的組構,視覺的空間想像是從周圍環境資訊衍生。 [ 輕盈的樣子] -當建築呈現失重、輕量化、流動和穿透性時,常常會令觀者產生輕盈的感受,試圖以五種建築形式詮釋「輕盈感」。 [ 窗外、窗內] -透過窗可以把視野暫為己有,這就是所謂的「框景」。而觀看的方式影響視野如何與內外環境連結。 [ 看得見的理想國] -不同的記憶與經驗使得每個人心目中都有理想城市的藍圖,潛意識的影響每次設計的結果。
Designers describe space by visualizing space through drawings, models and photographs. In the design process, designers use a variety of media to visualize the fragment of idea. How to present the ideas and how to execute the ideas are all the designers’ imagination of architecture. When the project is completed, the watch-behavior of designer transfer to visitor. At the moment, way of seeing which designer imagined narrowly. And Designer encourage visitor how to see by looking at, at a distance, thought, floating, immediacy, glance, browse etc…… My paper focuses on the “watch” of architecture. I sort the watch out projection of designer and seeing of visitor to establish the relationship between the five projects. [Wandering Eyes] Designer managed visitor to watch the space by his way and get more surprise and happiness. Visitors see constantly wavering and glance the changing space. [Patchwork of Buildings] Non-stop movement of viewpoints makes a variety of perspectives to create space of structure. Visual imagination information is created from surrounding environment. [Light Look] Visitors feel light by Weightlessness, lightweight, flowing and penetration of architecture. There are five architecture style interpreting “a sense of lightness.” [Window-in, window-out] Designer owns the vision through the window, which is called “frame view.” How to link in and out is affected by seeing of way. [Utopia] Ever yone has a blueprint for the ideal city. Different memories and experiences in mind affect the subconscious of each design.
Appears in Collections:Thesis