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dc.contributor.authorSilaev, Yaroslaven_US
dc.contributor.authorYang, Chyanen_US
dc.contributor.authorLo, Chi-Chunen_US
dc.contributor.authorYang, Chyanen_US
dc.contributor.authorLo, Chi-Chunen_US
dc.description.abstractThe perception and cognition of the surrounding world require the development of appropriate methods and means. More complex treatment processes are interrelated diverse information, its integration and interaction with other by different systems. Additional requirements for finding the best solutions, convenience, performance, reliability and cost also require the design and development of adequate models. Rapid growth of information is the need for high-quality processing and learning requires the use of data mining and converting it into a form which is easier to work with later. Therefore, the actual task of creating the information environment using classify, systematize and visualize the logical and hierarchical relationships between the subject area concepts, to integrate diverse information resources, making passive search methods are active methods of analyzing problems and making effective decisions. That is why the basis of the interface is computer ontology, which is divided into two parts: the first contains a description of the structure information-analytical environment; the second is resources that describe the subject area of e-commerce. Effective means of presenting and ordering information ontology is used for formal specification of concepts and relationships, which in turn characterize a particular subject area. The advantage of ontology’s as a way of presenting information is their formal structure that facilitates computer processing. Using ontology effective at finding and combining information from different sources and media, presentation and interpretation of information in the decision making process. Ontological approach provides connectivity information resources and allows the flexibility to work out of context.zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe perception and cognition of the surrounding world require the development of appropriate methods and means. More complex treatment processes are interrelated diverse information, its integration and interaction with other by different systems. Additional requirements for finding the best solutions, convenience, performance, reliability and cost also require the design and development of adequate models. Rapid growth of information is the need for high-quality processing and learning requires the use of data mining and converting it into a form which is easier to work with later. Therefore, the actual task of creating the information environment using classify, systematize and visualize the logical and hierarchical relationships between the subject area concepts, to integrate diverse information resources, making passive search methods are active methods of analyzing problems and making effective decisions. That is why the basis of the interface is computer ontology, which is divided into two parts: the first contains a description of the structure information-analytical environment; the second is resources that describe the subject area of e-commerce. Effective means of presenting and ordering information ontology is used for formal specification of concepts and relationships, which in turn characterize a particular subject area. The advantage of ontology’s as a way of presenting information is their formal structure that facilitates computer processing. Using ontology effective at finding and combining information from different sources and media, presentation and interpretation of information in the decision making process. Ontological approach provides connectivity information resources and allows the flexibility to work out of context.en_US
dc.subjectontological interfacezh_TW
dc.subjectbipartite graphzh_TW
dc.subjectnetwork graphzh_TW
dc.subjectsubject areazh_TW
dc.subjectontological interfaceen_US
dc.subjectbipartite graphen_US
dc.subjectnetwork graphen_US
dc.subjectsubject areaen_US
dc.titleUsing ontology technology’s for the selection of substitute goodszh_TW
dc.titleUsing ontology technology’s for the selection of substitute goodsen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis