標題: 探討在駕車時對抗疲勞之腦電波及腦血氧特徵
Explore Brain Electrodynamic and Hemodynamic Signatures of Fatigue-Fighting during Driving
作者: 吳秉勳
Wu, Bing-Syun
Lin, Yuan-Pei
關鍵字: 腦波儀;功能性近紅外光線光譜儀;疲勞對抗;駕駛;EEG;fNIRS;Fatigue-Fighting;Driving
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 在長時間 注意力需求的 作業下如駕車, 疲勞會逐漸累積進而影響表現作業下如駕車, 疲勞會逐漸累積進而影響表現作業下如駕車, 疲勞會逐漸累積進而影響表現作業下如駕車, 疲勞會逐漸累積進而影響表現作業下如駕車, 疲勞會逐漸累積進而影響表現作業下如駕車, 疲勞會逐漸累積進而影響表現因此 如何 維持注意力與行為表現在駕車 時是個 重要的安全課題 。欲探究此課題, 欲探究此課題, 本研究招募 16 位受測者參與車 道偏移駕實驗,每必須在一小時位受測者參與車 道偏移駕實驗,每必須在一小時位受測者參與車 道偏移駕實驗,每必須在一小時實驗中維持注意力與良好的行為表現,並 實驗中維持注意力與良好的行為表現,並 實驗中維持注意力與良好的行為表現,並 透過 腦波儀與功能性近紅外線光譜, 腦波儀與功能性近紅外線光譜, 探討模擬駕駛在疲勞對抗下之腦電波與血氧濃度變化。 探討模擬駕駛在疲勞對抗下之腦電波與血氧濃度變化。 分析 結果發現, 結果發現, 在實驗中 枕葉α波能量有著明顯變化, 枕葉α波能量有著明顯變化, 當出現疲勞之腦 電波特徵 時,受測者 ,受測者 依然 能對車道 偏移事件做出快速的反應 ,顯示受測者可能在駕駛中 對抗疲勞 。在事件相關分析 中進一步發現 ,在對抗疲勞時 ,在對抗疲勞時 ,在對抗疲勞時 ,大腦會強化枕葉α波之抑制,以及增加前額、 大腦會強化枕葉α波之抑制,以及增加前額、 大腦會強化枕葉α波之抑制,以及增加前額、 大腦會強化枕葉α波之抑制,以及增加前額、 大腦會強化枕葉α波之抑制,以及增加前額、 大腦會強化枕葉α波之抑制,以及增加前額、 運動輔助區與主要、頂 運動輔助區與主要、頂 運動輔助區與主要、頂 -枕葉的帶氧血濃度。整體而言,在疲勞時大腦需要 枕葉的帶氧血濃度。整體而言,在疲勞時大腦需要 枕葉的帶氧血濃度。整體而言,在疲勞時大腦需要 枕葉的帶氧血濃度。整體而言,在疲勞時大腦需要 枕葉的帶氧血濃度。整體而言,在疲勞時大腦需要 更強的神經活動與化去來維持行為表現 ,本研究中所發現 ,本研究中所發現 ,本研究中所發現 的大腦特徵可增進 我 們對 神經機制 對抗疲勞之瞭解。
Fatigue will be gradually cumulated in a prolonged and attention demanding task, such as driving, and consequently impairs task performance. Therefore, how to maintain attention and behavioral performance during driving is a critical safety issue. To address this issue, this study recruited 16 subjects to perform the event-related lane-departure driving experiment. Each subject was instructed to maintain attention and task performance throughout an hour-long experiment. Meanwhile, subjects’ brain electrodynamics and hemodynamics were simultaneously recorded via 32-channel electroencephalography (EEG) and 8 sources/16 detectors functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRs). The results showed that significant variations were observed in the EEG alpha power of the occipital regions, which is a commonly used indicator of fatigue. Even though the sign of fatigue occurred in the brain, all the participants were able to respond to lane-deviation events promptly, suggesting that they were fighting fatigue during the experiment. The event-related analysis further showed that strengthening alpha suppression in the occipital region and increasing oxygenated hemoglobin in the frontal cortex, supplementary motor area, primary motor cortex, and parieto-occipital cortex was observed in the brain to fight fatigue. In summary, the increased neural activity and cortical activations is necessary to maintain task performance when fatigue occurred. The electrodynamic and hemodynamic signatures of fatigue-fighting provided in this study might improve the understanding of the neural mechanism of fatigue.
Appears in Collections:Thesis