Title: 如何藉由策略聯盟贏取中階智慧型手機市場之探索性研究
An Exploration in Conquering the Mid-Range Smartphone Market through Strategic Alliance
Authors: 吳東和
Wu, Tung-Ho
Chu, Po-Young
Keywords: 智慧型手機;Actor-Network Theory;商業模式九宮格;個案分析;smartphone;original equipment manufacturers;actor-network theory model;business model canvas
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 智慧型手機是一個非常競爭的市場,這競爭性不只在兩大廠Apple及Samsung的競爭,其他國際品牌及在地品牌的爭奪戰也是非常激烈。因為Apple及Samsung佔有了高價位智慧型手機市場優勢,也因為中國後起廠商銷售高性價比的產品,其他品牌就必須有好的策略方能在中低價位的市場爭奪戰中生存,並爭取在有需求成長的地區及客戶群中增加智慧型手機的銷售量。智慧型手機的產品生命週期短,並不斷有新型產品出現,產品必須快速的即時上市,並有好的品質及客戶的接受度高是致勝的要素。所以與硬體平台及軟體系統結構產品之策略聯盟與早期合作開發新機種益形重要。 本篇論文研究著重在智慧型手機廠商如何藉由策略聯盟在中階手機市場中勝出。並提出以Actor-Network Theory (ANT)做為研究架構,從現有與智慧型手機的人文及非人文的相關資料及數據,做相關要素的分析、比較、說明及建議。ANT已被廣泛地運用於社會及科技的改變與信息技術的相關研究。佐以商業模式九宮格輔助說明ANT策略重點的改變對智慧型手機公司的影響。最後選擇一家智慧型手機公司進行案例分析。
The smartphone market is known to be competitive amongst original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) with high market penetrability, such as Apple and Samsung. However, it is also competitive among smaller-scale OEMs and domestic players –Sony, HTC, Xiaomi, Huawei, ZTE and Lenovo, among others. The high-end phone market is mainly dominated by Apple and Samsung products. Additionally, emerging Chinese brands are gaining market shares by producing high performance-price ratio mobile phones to win the middle range smartphone customers. Time-to-market and product quality have also become increasingly important, as well as the strategic alliance between OEMs and their platform vendors (Qualcomm, MediaTek, etc.) and OS providers (Android, Windows Phone). Thus, a sound strategy is inevitably essential to penetrate areas with the largest demand and the most potential customers. My research interest lies in the ways through which smartphone companies outperform others in their targeted segments. Using data from a combination of market research companies, such as shipping records, search engine queries, information of human and non-human factors of interaction, the actor-network theory (ANT) model, a popular and influential approach to socio-technical change in information technology research, and a business model canvas are adopted to illustrate and analyze key strategic factors. The integrated analysis has explained how ANT focus shifts can cause a smartphone company to gain or lose market share. Finally, a case study on a selected smartphone company is presented with its market strategy movement and strategic alliance selection.
Appears in Collections:Thesis