標題: | 自辦農村社區土地重劃之研究 :以C農村社區重劃為例 A Study of Resident-sponsored Rural Community Land Readjustment: A Case Study of C Rural Community |
作者: | 彭泓瑋 Peng, Hung-Wei 任維廉 Jen, William 管理學院高階主管管理碩士學程 |
關鍵字: | 農村社區;土地重劃;建築用地 ;Rural Community;Land Readjustment;Building Land |
公開日期: | 2015 |
摘要: | 摘要 臺灣地區自光復以來,因政府推動一系列的土地政策,促進農業發展,恢復農村生機,安定農村生活。如今因為都市化之快速發展,經濟結構之轉變,農村人口大量外流與老化,鄉村地區住宅窳陋衰頹、閒置或棄置情形普遍;農村社區公共設施之維護資源缺乏,使地方既有文化特色、自然生態與景觀風貌日漸喪失,政府自76年起即積極推動農村社區土地重劃工作,以改善農村生活環境,促進土地合理利用。 本研究以竹北C農村社區為個案,進行分析,結果發現透過自辦農村社區土地重劃以辦理地籍重新整理、土地交換分合,使重劃後之土地均成為坵塊方整且面臨道路、適合建築使用,以解決農村土地經界不明、畸零不整及權屬複雜等問題,提高土地利用效率及價值,引導地區之健全發展。 而本研究的結果確實能以自辦農村社區土地重劃之方式,令土地達合理之利用,形塑農村聚落集中發展,並提供居民必要之公共設施及設備更藉此凝聚社區力量,規範農村社區內妨礙整體景觀、衛生或土地利用的行為,並實施改善,以恢復美麗環境,重塑「農村生活美學」,以使農村地區再度活絡發展,讓青年得以回鄉定居。 本個案重劃因區域發展或增加公共設施之需要,適度擴大其範圍,重劃後提供公共設施用地、減輕所有權人負擔及整併發散式農舍納入整體規劃之效益,且便於日後農村社區之管理,另提供既有老舊建築重建之擴建用地。重劃後提供6.52656公頃之建築用地,其中既有建地為0.989195公頃,既有建物原位於非建地者約1.160649公頃,另適度增加4.376716公頃建築用地(約原建築使用之2倍),可供農村回流人口及既有老舊建築重建之空間,同時享有3.080151公頃之公共設施用地,約為原公設之15倍,大幅改善既有聚落之生活環境。 關鍵詞:農村社區、土地重劃、建築用地 ABSTRACT The government implemented a series of land policies to promote agricultural development after the Taiwan Retroration Day. Nowadays, the transformation of the economic structure leads to a low-quality environment in rural communities, which includes narrow lanes, the lacks of public facilities, rough drainage systems, and even the emigration of population. Therefore, the Government has applied the land readjustment for rural communities to improve living environment since the year of 1987. Based on case study, which utilized the exchange and re-distribution of land to reduce land disputes, and it divided the land into several blocks near the road for increasing the value of land. The results of this study could enhance community awareness, landscaping and environmental concerns, increases the living standard of the rural communities and more important to bring back the youth population by implementing the land readjustment. Because of the requirement of public facilities or regional development, moderately expanded the scope to provide the land for public facilities after land readjustment, reducing the burden on the owner and easier to manage in the future for well planned in reasonable and holistic way. And even provide more building land for old building. After readjustment it provides 6.52656 hectares of land for construction, including both building sites is 0.989195 hectares, both buildings were originally located in non-building land about 1.160649 hectares, another moderate increase 4.376716 hectares of building land. It does make population return and significant improvement of the C Rural Community living community. Keyword:Rural Community, Land Readjustment, Building Land |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/126492 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |