Title: 以強形式架構求解幾何非線性邊界值問題
Strong-Form Framework for Solving Boundary Value Problems with Geometric Nonlinearity
Authors: 蘇婉婷
Keywords: 強形式配置法;徑向基函數;幾何非線性;增量疊代演算法;牛頓法;strong form collocation method;radial basis function;geometric nonlinearity;incremental-iterative algorithm;Newton-Raphson method
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 強形式配置法係一無網格法,此方法引入函數近似並以節點做離散,故不需要建立網格,因此可避免求解大變形問題時,因結構變形後產生不連續情形的數值模擬誤差。
The strong form collocation method is a truly meshfree method, which introduces function approximation at nodes and uses direct collocation without using background mesh. As a consequence, it avoids mesh related issues when structures are subjected to large deformation and encounter discontinuity.
In this study, we propose a strong-form formulation for performing the incremental-iterative process to solve geometric nonlinear problems, in which the radial basis collocation method is adopted for solving nonlinear boundary value problems. In the analysis of nonlinear elasticity, we first describe the equilibrium of a body by using the total Lagrangian formulation. Then, we introduce the radial basis function approximation together with the strong form formulation to derive the incremental equation of the nonlinear boundary value problem, which includes the governing equation and boundary conditions. Finally, we establish an incremental-iterative algorithm by using the Newton-Raphson iteration scheme. To demonstrate the proposed framework for solving geometric nonlinear problems, three benchmark problems including tensile bar problems and a cantilever beam under pure bending are solved.
Appears in Collections:Thesis