Title: 以科技接受模型與7C架構來探討母嬰網站使用狀況分析
The Study of Using the Technology Acceptance Model and 7Cs Framework to Explore the Maternal and Child Web Site
Authors: 楊豐菁
Yang, Feng-Ching
楊 千
Keywords: 母嬰網站;7C;科技接受模型;Maternal and Child web site;7C;Technology Acceptance Model;TAM
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 隨著網際網路與行動應用服務的高速發展,現今人與人之間的溝通、知識學習及購物都可透過網路快速完成。目前,70年代前後的孕齡媽媽們進入了生育高峰期,這群人的成長大多歷經網際網路爆炸性發展的階段,因此在懷孕及育兒期間,除了長輩及朋友提供的經驗外,母嬰網站成為她們最主要的獲取信息之來源之一。 現今對於母嬰網站相關的研究甚少,本研究將透過個案分析與深度訪談法進行資料彙整;首先利用7C理論分析目前臺灣著名六個母嬰網站的功能,再以深度訪談法藉由科技接受模型為基礎將訪談資料做歸納分析。 根據使用者訪談資料分析得知,網站的功能與特性會影響到使用者的使用習慣。藉由7C架構與科技接受模型理論得知,母嬰網站的使用簡易、資料豐富及提供社群媒體平台方便使用者經驗交流會影響到使用者之有用與易用認知;母嬰網站的購物商店對於使用者的消費模式來說,並無太大的影響。
With the highly developing of the internet and mobile service, communication between people, learning knowledge and shopping are finished fast by the internet. Nowadays, women who grow in the internet explosion of gestational age in the 1970s are into baby boom generation. Maternal and child websites are the main information sources beside elders and friends. Today the relative research of maternal and child websites are a few that the study is collected and organized by case analysis method and in-depth interview. First, using 7c framework analyze the function of the six famous maternal and child websites in Taiwan. Furthermore, summarize and analyze the in-depth interview by technology acceptance model. According as the interview of users analyze to know, functions and characteristics of websites affect the habits of users. By 7c framework and technology acceptance model, easy to use, abundant information and providing social media of community for users who exchange experience of maternal and child websites influence Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use. Online store of maternal and child websites has not a strong effect on consumption pattern.
Appears in Collections:Thesis