Title: 無線產品生產測試之資料分析
The Production Test Result Analysis of WiFi Product - A Case Study of Company A
Authors: 吳文景
Wu, Wen-Ching
楊 千
Yang, Chyan
Keywords: 統計品質管制;無線產品生產測試;Statistical Quality Control;Wi-Fi Production Test
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 隨著無線WiFi產品產量快速成長趨勢,無論是純製造代工或設計製造代工的商業模式在生產製造廠已幾近微利,因此發展更快速的生產製造策略已從儀器設備製造商開打,其目的是在不影響產品品質的前提下提供更快速且更穩定的生產測試平台,藉此來降低人力與縮短生產測試工時。然而,設備製造商所提供的生產架構大多從設備的硬體與軟體來提升能力以吸引系統製造廠使用;無線產品生產製造之測試無論是自有品牌或設計代工產業往往依產品需求來規劃測試架構及測試項目,因此是否能更進一步縮短生產製造工時則需要系統廠自身對產品的能力及品質評估。 在新產品導入階段與初期大量生產階段為了保證產品質量通常進行較為完整的生產測試,而本研究則針對大量生產後的無線產品生產測試數據蒐集並分析其相關性,研究中以個案方式依所蒐集的產品測試數據進行製程能力分析、變異數分析以及迴歸分析,並提出研究討論。
The history of WiFi has became a steady progression. From the beginnings of IEEE802.11 to the current designation of IEEE802.11ac, the wireless signal standard has made multiple leaps forward in terms of speed, capacity, and throughput. A growing number of wireless device require a efficient manufacturing process and ability. The current OEM and ODM has moved to a low-valued profit. This business model only depends on a high transaction of wireless WiFi products to generate revenue. Therefore, the test equipment provider for WiFi product provides fast and stable system to factory in reducing manpower and testing time purpose. To ensure product quality it is usually more comprehensive production test from the new product introduction stage to early stages of mass production. Therefore, this study is a data analysis view of wireless WiFi product testing in mass production stage. Using Statistic Process Control(SPC) method and analyzed the correlation and discussion.
Appears in Collections:Thesis