Title: 毫微型蜂巢式基地台新產品開發與營運模式分析
New Product Development and Business Model Analysis for Femtocell
Authors: 蔡昕翰
Tsai, Hsin Hann
Keywords: 毫微型蜂巢式基地台;新產品開發;營運模式分析;品質機能展開;Femtocell;New Product Development;Business Model Analysis;Quality Function Deployment
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 台灣跟世界各國都具有電信基地台通訊,全球主要先進國家逐漸興起一種「Femtocell」毫微型蜂巢式基地台,這種家用基地台可以整合2G、3G、WiFi於一機,若商務辦公大樓或居家安裝一台,則可有效改善室內通訊品質不良問題。本研究希望能運用研究方法設計問卷交予專家填寫,並將所回收之寶貴專業資訊加以分析,提出新產品(新系統)技術開發重點及技術策略,並提出最佳新系統商業營運模式建議,協助開發具企業應用功能之室內蜂巢式網路系統。以短期內將複雜的新產品(新系統)開發內容轉化成簡單模型,本研究目的包括進行Femtocell技術專利分析及市場類似潛在產品功能比較分析,以建立Femtocell品質機能展開應用模型,經由市場的資料及專家的看法,並利用TOPSIS和VIKOR方法探討企業相對競爭力,以求得較為客觀廠商之能力分析,以利探討毫微型蜂巢式基地台新產品開發其營運之模式。實證分析結果在技術與功效矩陣分析部份,透過交叉比對分析,可瞭解到目前較為熱門的功效,為提升服務品質、通訊協定間整合及連線方式的改善;在品質機能展開中技術與技術比較部份,可以發現以Transmission Power、Signal Interference Management和Signal Coverage Range三種技術和其他技術間關聯性最大,因此若僅以技術發展的話可考慮研發或取得此三項技術或以此技術為核心來進行新產品的開發;在失效模式分析上,經由實證分析可以得知,大部分在開發Femtocell新產品時可能會遇到的問題,重要度在中等以上的問題在失效模式分析上僅發現3個,其中有一個問題(Heat may damage Rx sensitivity)其重要度已超過重要度滿值的75%,故開發過程中要列為優先解決之問題。經由實證分析之數據與專家討論後對D公司提出相關建議,在品質機能展開分析,建議在長期發展上,應盡快投入技術的研發或與掌握相關技術、專利的機構進行合作或策略聯盟等動作,以避免未來在產品開發落後其他競爭對手,進而逐漸失去現有或潛在市場;在失效模式方面,「Heat may damage Rx sensitivity」此一問題在發生的頻率、事態發生後的嚴重程度都很高,並且事態發生前被察覺的機率很低,因此對此問題需要進行有效的控管以避免其發生;而在目前的營運策略上,應以最終消費或使用族群為一般大眾使用者的市場為主要開發目標而非企業用戶,其主要原因在於D公司在技術掌握上相較於其它公司而言較為低落,因此若以企業用戶為主要市場,企業用戶對於技術規格相較於一般使用者會有更高的要求,故在與其他公司競爭上可能出現事倍功半的情況。而一般使用者對技術規格的要求通常較低,因此若搭配平價或低價策略進行銷售,則將有利於初期滲透市場。
Taiwan and other countries all have telecommunications infrastructure. A major trend in developed countries is "Femtocell" which is micro cellular base station. This home based station can be integrated with 2G, 3G, WiFi. The installation in office or home can effectively improve the poor quality of indoor communication. This study designs a questionnaire and distributes to experts for collecting professional information and data analysis. This research aims to prioritize new products/system technology development and strategy, and proposes the optimal business model to assist in the development of enterprise applications. By simplifying a complicated new product development, the purposes of this study include a comparative analysis of Femto-cell technology patent and market analysis. The analysis enables to create the Femto-cell QFD application model through market information and expert opinion. The use of TOPSIS and VIKOR methods is to explore the relative competitiveness of enterprises to achieve a more objective benchmark analysis. Finally, a suitable business model is proposed to develop Femtocell. The research results have shown the most popular functions through technology and function matrix analysis. It can be noticed that improving service quality, protocol integration and connection are the most important. From Quality Function Deployment (QFD) analysis, it can be found the associations among Transmission Power, Signal Interference Management and Signal Coverage Range are highly related. Thus, these technology developments can be considered to develop or acquire as the first priority. By way of failure mode analysis, the results reveal there are only 3 issues will be encountered in the development of the Femtocell new products in term of important issues above average. One of issues (Heat may damage Rx sensitivity) has more than 75 percent of the importance of full value, therefore this issue has to be tackled first. With regard to the suggestion to Company D, QFD analysis recommends to devote R&D activity, strategic alliances with other institutions to acquire the relevant technology, or patent development to avoid lagging behind other competitors in product development as long-term strategy. It can avoid losing existing or potential markets. In terms of failure mode, the frequency of occurrence and impact of “Heat may damage the Rx sensitivity” is quite high, while the prevention rate is very low. Therefore this issue needs to be effectively controlled in order to avoid its occurrence. In terms of current business strategy, the end user should be the target group rather than business user. The reason is due to Company D has less control in the technology compared to other companies. Business users demand higher technical specifications compared to the generic end users. It is suggested to use low-cost strategy to attract early market adoption.
Appears in Collections:Thesis