標題: 風光互補整合系統實場開發之研究
Research of Pilot Plant Development for Hybrid Wind and Solar Integration System
作者: 謝宗志
關鍵字: Savonius風車;並聯系統;功率係數;Savonius wind turbine;wind turbines system;coefficient of power
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本研究建立風光互補整合系統,為四顆風車與太陽能板組成互補系統,將會安裝在一個開放環境中進行實驗,本研究將會面臨陣風條件,為大氣風速。本研究內容可分成兩大部分:其一為實場實驗,而另一主題為與其他研究者進行比較。實驗中於不同風速、風向與風車轉速的情況下,觀測大氣風速對周速比和功率係數的關係,最後將所獲得之實驗結果與其他研究者的模擬與實驗進行分析比較。 由實驗結果顯示,於開放環境的風速、風向與風車轉速變化極大,顧反覆量測大氣風速與風車轉速和發電功率之關係。此外,於各項實驗顯示,其周速比與功率係數成正比,當大氣平均風速為7 m/s的情況下:單顆風車於周速比1.0時功率係數為0.192、兩顆風車於大氣風速發電功率為0.228、並聯系統發電功率為0.312,然而並聯系統添加導流板其功率係數為0.338,由周速比與功率係數圖得知,導流板效益於低周速比較明顯作用。 另一方面為其他研究者比較,於實際實驗與模擬相比下,能量轉換過程存在部分損失,且風車本身質量慣性矩也有影響,導致兩者具有一定差值,於周速比0.8時有不同趨勢產生;另一位研究者雖然使用同樣形式的風車,但是風車重疊比為0.196,因此整體效益較本研究低。
This study establishes a four two-bladed Savonius wind rotors and solar panels Integration System, which is installed at an open field, to generate electric power. This study is confronted with gust conditions at atmosphere. It can be separated into two sections: experimental of Pilot Plant Development and comparison with other researcher. The experiments detect various wind velocity, wind direction and wind turbine rotational speed. To observe atmosphere wind velocity, tip speed ratio(TSR) and coefficient of power( ) .Finally, compare and analyze the experiment results between with other researcher. This experimental results show that atmosphere wind velocity, wind direction and wind turbine rotational speed have large fluctuation in open field. Therefore, we receive the relationship between wind velocity and generated power by repeating measuring. The coefficient of power is directly proportional to tip speed ratio, when atmosphere average wind velocity about 7 m/s: value of a wind turbine is 0.192 at TSR 1.0; two wind turbines is 0.228 at TSR 1.0; wind turbines system is 0.312 at TSR 1.0; then wind turbines with deflector is 0.338 at TSR 1.0. From to TSR diagram know that the effect of deflector especially enhance performance at low TSR. On the other hand, comparison with other researcher, due to experimental of Pilot Plant Development different numerical simulate, the experimental have energy loss and mass moment of inertia, in result have different situation. Although another researcher adopt same Savonius type, the researcher over ratio is 0.196, therefore, the study high than this researcher.