Title: 製鞋業自動化塗膠製程線外與 線上品質管理系統
The Off-line and On-line Control System for Automated Cementing Process of Shoe Manufacturing Industry
Authors: 金柏馨
Chin, Po-Hsin
Tong, Lee-Ing
Keywords: 製鞋業;實驗設計;望想函數;多量測點;多品質變異來源;三階段管制流程;ACUSUM-C管制圖;Shoe Manufacturing Industry;DOE、Desirability Function;Multiple Readings;Multiple source of variation;three-stage control system;ACUSUM-C control chart
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 製鞋業的塗膠製程目前仍多用人工完成,但由於人工成本日漸高漲,使獲利降低,因此塗膠製程極需導入自動化設備以取代人工。衡量鞋子塗膠製程品質好壞之品質特性為拉力,其量測方式是在鞋底與鞋面完成塗膠製程後,在鞋底多個量測位置進行拉力測試以取得量測值,故此拉力品質具有多量測點的特性。在利用實驗設計手法找到自動化設備最佳參數設定時,除了需考慮拉力量測點之平均值外,還須考慮到拉力量測值的變異。此外,還須考慮鞋底某些區域的拉力值需較其他區域的拉力值要高,在考慮前述這些狀況下,自動化設備最佳參數設定值還需有低的成本。在找到製程自動化設備最佳參數設定後,進入量產階段時,由於塗膠製程具有多量測點特性,故具有多個變異來源,須分別針對鞋底內變異、同批量鞋底間變異及批量間變異進行三階段管制,才能有效管制製程品質,找出變異來源。因此,本研究主要目的是提出一套線外與線上品質管理系統,以提升產品品質。首先,利用實驗設計與望想函數,找出塗膠製程自動化設備之最佳參數設定。之後再利用ACUSUM-C管制圖來監控鞋底內、鞋底間及批量間的變異。本論文最後以台灣某製鞋廠提供之資料說明了本流程確實有效可行。
The cementing process of shoe manufacturing industry mainly relies on labor. However, the labor cost has increased rapidly over the past few years. Therefore, shoe industry need to install automation system for cementing process to reduce the labor cost. Shoe industry usually evaluates the quality of cementing process through conducting tensile test on several locations of the sole and multiple readings are obtained from various locations for each sole. Therefore, when finding the optimal setting of parameter for the automation equipment, the mean and variation of tensile strength need to be considered simultaneously. Also, the target value of tensile strength in some part of the sole is higher than that of other parts. Furthermore, keeping the cost down is also important for adopting automation system. After finding the optimal parameter settings, the next stage is mass production. Another objective of this study is to construct an on-line monitoring system for the automatic cementing process. Because there are multiple readings per sole, variation of tensile strength may come from several sources. It is necessary to monitor the variation within one sole, variation among soles of the same batch and variation among different batches of soles, respectively. In other words, a three-stage controlling system used to effectively find the source of variations. Thus , one of the objective of this study is to find the optimal parameter setting for the automation system of cementing process using design of experiments(DOE) method. Finally, a real case provided by a shoe manufacturing company in Taiwan to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Appears in Collections:Thesis