標題: 以智慧電表監測電壓閃爍之研究
Research of monitoring voltage flicker using smart meters
作者: 謝金兆
Hsieh, chin-chao
關鍵字: 智慧電網;電壓閃爍;smart grid;voltage flicker
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 隨著高科技產業精密製程的進步及相關製程機台的精密度提升,輕微的電壓變動可能會嚴重影響產線設備精準度。對於電力品質的要求及標準有必要提高,所以電力品質是目前台灣電力公司及工業界重視課題。 電壓閃爍是影響電力品質的重要因素之一,其原因為用戶端設置電焊機、電弧爐…等遽變負載導致變電所端匯流排的電壓變動。電壓不穩定將引起用戶照明設備出現忽明忽暗的變化,進而引發視覺上的不舒服;同時,變壓器電壓調整用之有載分接頭切換器設備也會因為負載的驟變造成頻繁切換,而影響設備本身壽命,降低供電之品質與可靠度。 近年來智慧電表技術進步及智慧電網概念導入下,透過智慧電表的通訊技術使得電力公司與用戶之間搭起雙向溝通的橋樑且目前高階的智慧電表已具備電力品質監測功能。因此,本論文提出利用具電力品質監測功能之智慧電表與現行台電公司電力監控系統結合達到即時監測電壓閃爍之方法,其主要貢獻如下:(一)降低儀器投資成本(二)節省現場量測時間及人力成本(三)減少輸電線路建置投資成本(四)明確釐清汙染源用戶。本論文提供未來電力公司在推動智慧電網規劃參考用,可有效維持供電品質及可靠度。
With the sophisticated progress of process and facility high-precision in high-tech industry, the slight voltage variation may bring a serious problem about the facility accuracy. Therefore, improving the power quality is a very important topic in power companies and industries. The voltage flicker is one of the important factors in power quality issue , and caused of the rapid change in load such as welding machines、arc furnaces setting up in the end of client. It will lead to fluctuations of voltage on substation bus. The unstable voltage results in the change of illumination and it makes eyes feel uncomfortable. Meanwhile, the rapid change in load will cause the OLTC of transformer frequency switching, it makes OLTC life time shorter and worse power quality and reliability. Recently, power quality and reliability is better because of the aspects of smart grid and smart meter technologies. The higher class of smart meter could calculate and record power quality instantly. It links up with two-way communication between power companies and clients through the smart meters communication technologies. Therefore, this thesis propose to combine smart meters with TPC SCADA system, the main contributions are as following:(1) Reducing the cost of instrument. (2) Reducing the measured time and the personnel cost. (3) Reducing the investment of transmission line. (4) Clarify the source of voltage flicker pollution. Finally, it offers to the power company in planning smart grid in order to improve the way in monitoring voltage flicker and enhance the power quality and reliability effectively.