標題: MIT App Inventor 在Android 行動裝置之研究 - 設計財產資料庫查詢
The Development and Study of Property Search for Android Devices by MIT APP Inventor
作者: 羅皓尹
Lee, Jong-Eao
關鍵字: 財產資料庫系統;安卓;行動裝置;App Inventor 2;PHP;MySQL;Android
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 智慧行動載具與雲端技術的結合是現今科技發展的一大趨勢,本文主要內容為改善本校的財產系統之查詢方式,將現行使用單機單人的操作系統轉換至網路系統和其他行政人員共享資訊,又因行動載具的便利性與價格低廉的誘因,現在人員幾乎人人皆有行動載具,為了達到無任何空間、任何時間的限制,因此設計Android App達到更便捷的效果。 本文設計財產系統中結合了,MySQL、PHP、App Inventor 等程式語言與雲端平台撰寫出可透過Web網頁查詢,也可透過手機查詢的系統。這個財產系統主要設計分成了兩個部份,Web網頁讓管理者可以上傳財產資訊、財產圖片及產生條碼標籤,以利財產的管理與維護,而Android App程式部分,主要是在於掃描財產標籤中的QRcode取得財產詳細資訊,亦可使用QRcode進行財產盤點,以縮短盤點上的麻煩以及時間。
Currently, mobile devices and cloud technical systems are the most popular development tendency. This article is written for improving the school property searching module by App, because mobile devices that everyone has are becoming cheaper and more convenient. Now the school property system is for single person processing. In order to enhance school’s property data sharing, we strongly recommend to build a new cloud system which is more convenient, smarter and easier compared with an origin single system, so we designed an App for searching property information. In this article, the design property system collaborates MySQL, PHP and Inventor 2. The user can use mobile devices, or computers to search property data. This system has two parts for user: First part, web system is designed for system manager that can update property data, device image, and producing QRcode labels. Second part, android app is designed for scanning QRcodes to get property detail data and check inventory for saving time. This system will be helpful for my school.
Appears in Collections:Thesis