標題: 互動式靜力學網路學習教材製作-以質點與剛體平衡為例
Interactive E-Learning Materials of Statics- Case of Equilibrium of Particles and Rigid Bodies
作者: 楊揚
Lin, Chang-Yu
關鍵字: 互動式網路教學;靜力學;Interactive E-learning;Statics
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 土木工程,對國家建設與經濟發展是基本的學門。在土木工程的學習歷程中,力學是學習的主軸,其中又以靜力學為最基礎的學科。將靜力學學得透徹對將來學習材料力學、結構學、動力學等無疑是無往不利。 本研究主要是針對靜力學某些較抽象與基礎的章節,做互動式網路教學的輔助教材開發。透過網頁上的程式和頁面設計,讓學生實際動手輸入參數,輸入完後會依照該部分章節會有不同的呈現方式,本研究應用ADDIE教學設計模型的流程,並以HTML5、CSS、JavaScript等建構出如:網頁主體外觀、2D、3D動畫呈現、該步驟的分量位置、可拖曳點的互動功能等,最後完成了質點與剛體平衡的互動式輔助教材。 完成互動式教材後,本研究最後開放給目前正在修習靜力學的學生實際操作,並以問卷的方式了解學生的學習狀況與成效,也就是ADDIE教學設計模型的流程的評鑑階段。發放完並回收問卷後,再對問卷的結果做一系列的交叉分析,以評估本研究所開發的互動式輔助教材,對於學生學習靜力學的成效。問卷當中也會要求學生給予本教材回饋意見,以作為日後改進系統的依據。 關鍵字:互動式網路教學、靜力學。
Civil Engineering is the essential science which closely related to infrastructures and economics. Learning courses in civil engineering, mechanics are the learning main part, which went statics of the most basic subject. It’s important to learn well in statics, after that it’s easier to learn mechanics of materials, theory of structures, dynamics. The subject of the research is to develop some Internet interactive learning materials for some abstract chapters of statics. Through designing programs and websites, let students input parameters in practical. Then according to different chapters, results will also different. This research apply ADDIE Model process and HTML5, CSS, JavaScript to implement like 2D, 3D graph display, component of vectors in that step, interactive function of draggble points and so on. Finally, finish the interactive E-learning materials of applied mechanics -case of equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies. After completion of interactive materials, it was open for students who currently studying statics and let them use it practically. Then sent questionnaires to understand the students studying conditions and effectiveness, it’s the evaluation phase of ADDIE Model. After complete the questionnaires, this research will do a series of cross-analysis to estimate the effectiveness of these materials for students. Questionnaires will also require students to give feedbacks for future improvements. Keyword: Interactive E-learning、Statics