Title: 超快與奈米光學在銅銦鎵硒薄膜太陽能電池之應用
Applications of Ultrafast- and Nano- Optics on CIGS Thin Film Solar Cells
Authors: 陳仕誠
Chen, Shih-Chen
Kuo, Hao-Chung
Wu, Kaung-Hsiung
Keywords: 太陽能電池;飛秒雷射;表面電漿效應;solar cells;femtosecond laser;plasmonic effect
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本論文主要分別研究超快光學及奈米光學在銅銦鎵硒薄膜太陽能電池之應用。在超快光學部分,我們利用飛秒級光激發探測光譜研究銅銦鎵硒薄膜之超快載子動力學,成功發展出一套非破壞性光學檢測薄膜品質的方法。接著以飛秒級脈衝雷射蒸鍍製備銅銦鎵硒薄膜,觀察到其薄膜成長機制有助於改善過去傳統脈衝雷射蒸鍍該材料的缺點。最後我們也利用超快脈衝雷射對銅銦鎵硒薄膜進行退火改質,有效地提升元件的光電轉換效率。在奈米光學部分,我們利用金奈米粒子之表面電漿效應提升了銅銦鎵硒薄膜太陽能電池效率,並透過光學模擬及分析了解其物理機制。同時,我們也利用進一步利用超寬頻光激發探測光譜討論表面電漿能量轉移與其對熱載子動力學的影響。
This thesis focuses on the applications of ultrafast-optics and nano-optics on Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) thin film solar cells. For the applications of ultrafast optics, we used femtosecond optical-pump optical-probe spectroscopy to investigate the ultrafast carrier dynamics of CIGS thin film, in which, a non-destructive testing method for CIGS thin film quality has been successfully demonstrated. The femtosecond pulsed laser deposition also was employed for CIGS thin film preparation. The results have suggested that it can significantly ameliorate the thin film quality. Finally, the annealing of CIGS thin films has also been implemented by using ultrafast laser in order to rapidly improve the conversion efficiency of devices. For the applications of nano-optics, the plasmonic effects of gold nano particles have been used to enhance the efficiency of CIGS solar cell. Scrutiny into the enhancement mechanism has also been conducted by numerical calculations and analysis. Moreover, the plasmonic energy transfer and its impact on hot-carrier relaxation have been investigated by ultrabroadband femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy.
Appears in Collections:Thesis