Title: 以虛擬差額量測模型於資源分配分析
Employ Virtual-gap Measurement Model to Centralized Resource Allocation Analysis
Authors: 侯清源
Hou, Chin-Yuan
Liu, Fuh-Hwa
Keywords: 中央管理者;調配資源;虛擬差額分析;績效評量;Central Decision-Maker;Resource Allocation;Virtual-Gap-Measurement;Performance Evaluation
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 公私部門的中央管理者 (central decision maker, CDM)下屬一組性質相同的決策單位(decision-making unit, DMU),各DMU將多項投入的資源轉換成多項產出。本研究考慮CDM調配各DMU的資源及產出,以提高整個部門的績效。有多項文獻以數學規劃的模型求得解答,但是受限於各文所設的既定條件,其解答仍有改善之虞。本研究利用虛擬差額分析(virtual-gap measurement, VGM)模型,重新求解問題。並以一數據例子,比較各文獻與本研究所計算的績效值與改善量。
For a public or private sector, the central decision-maker (CDM) governs a set of homogenous subordinates, decision-making units, DMUs. DMUs consume a set of input resources to produce a set of outputs. To improve the whole sector’s aggregate performance, CDM would allocate its resources and products among the DMUs. There are several literatures provide mathematical models to deal with the problem under their specific conditions, respectively. The current research based on virtual-gap-measurement (VGM) model and develops a new model under general conditions to have better solutions. We employ a numerical example to the models in literatures. The comparisons between our model and the others on efficiencies and slacks indicate our model outperforms the others.
Appears in Collections:Thesis