Title: 一個適用於微型企業的廣告互助平台
An Advertising Reciprocal Platform for Microenterprises
Authors: 胡喬閔
Hu, Chiao-Min
Yuan, Shyan-Ming
Keywords: 廣告方法;二維條碼;共享經濟;advertising method;two-dimensional barcode;sharing economics
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 廣告是一種傳遞商業訊息的形式,它有助於讓大眾更加了解某樣產品,以便說服更多潛在的消費者去進行某些行為,像是購買、分享、或是註冊會員等等。隨著網路科技普及率增高,越來越多廣告以網路為媒介來呈現,最常見的像是網頁廣告,或是利用社群平台來做為廣告的社群廣告。
Advertising is a form of delivering commercial messages. It contributes people to get more acknowledge of a product and persuades the potential consumers to take some action, such as buying, sharing, and registering as a member. With the popularity of Internet technology growing up, there are more and more advertising methods using the Internets to deliver promotional messages.
Due to the benefits of advertising are good for enterprises, enterprises almost spending a large amount of money engaging the advertisement companies to advertise for a new product. Because of the lack of money, microenterprises usually use other suitable methods to promote their products or activities. The common media are poster, advertising board, and social network. However, not all methods are suitable for these microenterprises. For example, online stores have no appropriate places to post their advertisement. Entity stores have no Internet-related knowledge to manage the fan club on the social platform. And these methods can only deliver messages to the fixed consumer groups.
In this paper, we proposed a reciprocal model in order to solve the problem of cost and the fixed consumer groups. The participants obtain the Contribution Point (CP) in the system by helping the other participants to advertise something. They can ask for the other participants to help them by using the CP. When advertisers ask for the other participants to help them, they will consume the CP. When publishers help the advertisers, they will obtain the CP. This method gives an advertising service for free. It can solve the problem of cost. Due to participants encounter the different consumer groups compared with each other, this method will make an advertising message reach the different consumer groups. That is, this method can solve the problem of the fixed consumer groups.
Appears in Collections:Thesis