標題: 管他什麽音樂─ 嘉義市國際管樂節「管樂踩街」音景建構
Who cares what music is on? ─ Understanding the soundscape of the street parade at Chiayi International Band Music Festival
作者: 王韻智
Wang, Yun-Chih
Gao, Ya-Li
Chen, Szu-Wei
關鍵字: 音景;空間;管樂踩街;節慶;soundscape;parade;space;band music;festival
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本文主要探討嘉義市國際管樂節「管樂踩街」的音景建構。發展至今已邁入第二十二年的嘉義國際管樂節是臺灣具代表的地方音樂活動,其中於市區進行的管樂踩街嘉年華更是重頭戲。過去關於管樂節的研究多著重於城市行銷或觀光推展等議題,對聲響與空間的討論較為缺乏。因此,本文聚焦在管樂踩街的音聲展演形式,以Kay. K. Shelemay的「三S」音景概念─聲音(Sound)、特定脈絡與場景(Setting)、意義(Significance)為分析架構,透過相關史地背景的建構,以及參與者的訪談資料進行相互比對。本文認為管樂踩街形塑了嘉義市獨有的節慶音景,並展現代表踩街空間與城市象徵的「嘉」、管樂音聲的「管」、以及節慶手法與氛圍的「節」所共構的多重意義。不過,在一個成功營造的管樂節慶公共音景中,「嘉」與「節」總被特意突顯而備受重視,而做為主要音聲標誌的「管」卻遭忽略,恰巧如同活動主題曲之一〈管他什麽音樂〉的曲名所指,踩街音聲已失去其主體性。
This study aims to construct the soundscape of the street parade in the International Band Music Festival in Chiayi City. Now moving into its 22nd year, this festival has become one of the most important local musical events in Taiwan, featuring prominently a street parade. Previous studies on this particular festival focus on issues of city marketing or sightseeing promotion, but few have explored its soundscape. Therefore, this study intends to examine sounds and performance of the festival street parade, within Kay. K. Shelemay’s framework for listening—sound, setting and significance, against historical development of wind band in Chiayi and interviews with participants. The detailed analysis shows that the street parade creates a unique festive soundscape in Chiayi and display a network of multifarious signification woven by ‘Chiayi’, the city and space where the street parade takes place, ‘Band Music’, the sound of wind instruments, and ‘Festival’, the celebratory atmosphere. However, while great emphasis is placed on ‘Chiayi’ and ‘Festival’ , little attention is paid to ‘Band Music’. Just as the title of one of the theme songs of the festival ‘Who cares what music is on’ (管他什麼音樂) implies, sounds are no longer the core of the parade.