標題: 以近紅外光光譜術量測末梢微循環生理資訊:功能性生理干預法研究
Microcirculation measurements of extremities based on near-infrared spectroscopy:Study on functional physiological intervention methods
作者: 高煒隆
Kao, Wei-Lung
Sun, Chia-Wei
關鍵字: 微循環;近紅外光;生理干預法;遠紅外光;神經肌肉電刺激;microcirculation;near-infrared;physiological intervention methods;far-infrared;neuromuscular electrical stimulation
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 隨著台灣人口的高齡化,心血管疾病的威脅性越來越高,根據102年的統計結果,心血管相關疾病已佔了國人十大死因中的三項,且有相當多的患者急性發作沒有立即被發現,導致延誤就醫造成無法挽回的地步,由此看來居家護理的健康觀測為一重要關鍵。我們希望透過近紅外光量測微循環狀況作為一個新的生理資訊指標,此法不僅能用於居家護理的健康觀測上,更能提供加護病房內的急重症患者新的生理參數,使醫護人員更加清楚病人健康狀況。 本篇論文中我們使用近紅外光作為量測的工具,並配合生理干預法來量測微循環的變化,發現即使是健康的受試者也會因為天生性別或是後天生理狀態的差異而有不同結果,也發現神經肌肉電刺激在尚未刺激肌肉收縮的情況下仍能改善微循環。未來我們希望能將此研究擴大收集更多不同年齡層的微循環資料或是應用於微循環相關疾病上,例如周圍血管疾病或是糖尿病,以提供更精確的資料統計和判讀。
The threat of cardiovascular disease become higher among the elderly of Taiwan. According to statistics in 2013, cardiovascular disease contained three among the top ten leading causes of death. There were considerable numbers of acute patients onsetting without being noticed at time, to cause delaying in medical treatment and leading to irreparable consequences. Therefore, health monitoring would be a significant key in homecare. We hope that measuring microcirculation with near-infrared spectroscopy can be a novel index of physiological information. The method can not only be used in homecare but also in Intensive Care Unit. These novel index of physiological information make health care workers realize more to status of patients. In this research, we used functional physiological intervention method to monitor microcirculation with near-infrared spectroscopy, and discovered that microcirculation would be different because of innate gender and acquired physiologic even healthy people. Also, we found that neuromuscular electrical stimulation can make microcirculation better when electrical stimulation is not high enough to muscle contraction. In the future, we want to expand our research to collect more data of different ages or clinical application, such as peripheral arterial occlusive disease and diabetes mellitus, for more accurate data interpretation.