Title: 以認知負荷與多媒體學習認知理論探討試驗性圖文融合英語字彙數位教材對情境興趣與腦波歷程之影響
Applying Cognitive Load Theory and Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning to Investigate the Effect of Experimental Pictographic English Vocabulary E-learning Courseware on Situational Interest and Brainwave
Authors: 潘柳成
Pan, Liu-Cheng
Sun, Chih-Yuan
Keywords: 認知負荷;多媒體學習認知理論;英語字彙數位教材;情境興趣;腦波;Cognitive Load;Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning;English Vocabulary E-learning Courseware;Situational Interest;Brainwave
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本研究基於認知負荷理論和多媒體學習認知理論,開發了一套圖文融合的「象形字」英語字彙數位教材,以期優化學習者在進行英語字彙教材學習時的認知歷程。為驗證該套教材的教學有效性,本研究進行了受試者內的準實驗設計,共有108個大學生和研究生在數位學習系統上完成了「象形字」教材、純文字和圖文組教材的學習。實驗結果顯示,學習者在「象形字」教材的學習成效顯著高於純文字,與圖文組則無顯著差異;學習者在「象形字」組教材感受到的認知負荷為中等,感受到的情境興趣為三組中最高;且透過腦波儀偵測的持續注意力和量表測量的集中注意力,結果均顯示「象形字」組表現最佳。研究者對該結果進行討論,認為該教材具有良好的教學有效性,並可爲日後的多媒體英語字彙教材設計提供借鑒。
The purpose of this study was to develop an experimental pictographic English vocabulary e-learning courseware, which optimizes learners’ cognitive processes based on cognitive load theory and cognitive theory of multimedia learning. To examine the effectiveness of this courseware, this study utilized the within-subjects quasi-experimental design. The participants were 108 graduate and college students who used the learning materials presented in the formats of text only, text-with-picture, and pictograph in the e-learning system. The results showed that students’ performance on the pictographic materials was significantly higher than that on the text-only materials while no significant differences were found between pictographic and text-with-picture materials; the cognitive load perceived on pictographic material was medium; the situational interest and focused attention perceived on the pictograph material were both the highest among the three formats; and the sustained attention, measured by EEG, on the pictograph material was also the highest. Results of this study serve as a valuable reference for future implications while providing new approach for designing English vocabulary courseware in multimedia environment.
Appears in Collections:Thesis