標題: Laser Diode Feedback Signal for Position Sensing Using Self-Mixing Interference
作者: Tsai, Meng-Yen
Liu, Tzong-Shi
Schlesinger, Tuviah E.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
公開日期: 1-Mar-2009
摘要: We modified a digital versatile disk (DVD) pickup head as a DVD actuator with a laser diode package for sensing. Tuning a tilting coil in the DVD actuator causes the tilt of a laser diode to compensate misalignment between a target surface and the laser diode facet. Experimental results show that tuning the tilting coil compensates misalignment between both surfaces to achieve effective self-mixing signal. Furthermore, we present the conformity between the output voltage and the target surface displacement from a laser diode package using the self-mixing effect. The resolution in linear region of self-mixing signal is 100 mV/nm. (C) 2009 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1143/JJAP.48.03A007
ISSN: 0021-4922
DOI: 10.1143/JJAP.48.03A007
Volume: 48
Issue: 3
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper

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