標題: 開發奈米碳管替代氧化銦錫作為透明電極之有機太陽能電池製程
Efficient ITO-Free Polymer Solar Cells with Carbon Nanotube as the Transparent Electrode
作者: 楊宗翰
Yang, Zong-Han
Meng, Hsin-Fei
關鍵字: 有機太陽能電池;奈米碳管;氧化銦錫;刮刀塗佈;頻率響應;半透明;多層複合電極;低成本;光偵測器;Solar cells;Blade-coating;Organic solar cells;Spin-coating;flexibility;Ultra-thin electrode;semi-transparent;low cost;ITO;CNT;photon detector;P3HT;PC61BM;PC71BM;PBDTTT-C-T
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 因為世界各地氣候異常,為了減少二氧化碳排放,世界各國研究團隊積極開發綠色能源。而太陽能電池是目前公認最具環保性的綠色能源,只要有陽光的地方就能產生電能,非常簡單方便。而有機太陽能電池因為具有可撓性、半透明及低成本等優點,是近年來太陽能電池的重要領域之一。 本論文研究主要分為兩大部分,第一部分是在正結構下以奈米碳管取代透明電極氧化銦錫(ITO)製程研究。在奈米碳管刮刀塗佈方面,透過基板溫度、退火溫度以及塗佈速度研究與片電阻、穿透度與轉換效率的關係,分別在兩種結構CNT/PEDOT:PSS/P3HT:PC61BM/LiF/Al和CNT/PEDOT:PSS/PBDTTT-C-T:PC71BM/Ca/Al分別得到2.98%和4.70%的光電轉換效率。最後以逆偏壓操作元件,類似光偵測器的運作,逐漸增加輸入綠光的頻率下,量測兩種不同電洞注入層下頻率響應的衰減情況。 第二部分是改善傳統上電極厚度達到半透明。我們成功開發出超薄複合電極讓原本完全不透光的元件可以達成半透明,在ITO/PEDOT:PSS/P3HT:PC61BM /LiF/Al/Ag結構下得到3.15%光電轉換效率。超薄複合電極成功的大幅降低電極厚度達到20 nm以下。
Because of the abnormal weather around the world, and in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, research teams around the world develop green energy actively. Solar cells are recognized as the most environmentally friendly and green energy now, you can generate electricity as long as sunlight, that is very simple and convenient. Organic solar cells has many advantage, such as flexibility, semi-transparent and low cost, and is one of the important areas of solar cells in recent year. This thesis is divided into two parts, the first part is to replace carbon nanotube transparent electrode of indium tin oxide(ITO) process research in a positive framework. In terms of blade coating CNTs, through the relationship between the substrate temperature, annealing temperature, coating speed, sheet resistance, transmittance and efficiency, in the two structures CNT / PEDOT:PSS / P3HT: PC61BM / LiF / Al and CNT / PEDOT:PSS / PBDTTT-CT: PC71BM / Ca / Al 2.98% and 4.70% of efficiency, respectively. In a reverse bias operation, under similar light detector, increasing the frequency of the input green, measuring the attenuation at two different hole injection layer frequency response. Finally, we try to controlled device bias operating at -0.4 V, the operation is similar to the photon detector, and increase the input frequency green light gradually, then measure frequency response of two different hole injection layer. The second part is to improve the traditional electrode thickness of semi-transparent. We successfully developed a thin composite electrode so that the device semi-transparent can be reached, at structure ITO / PEDOT:PSS / P3HT:PC61BM /LiF/Al/Ag 3.15%. We significantly reduce electrode thickness to 20 nm or less.