標題: 用kinect程式分析失智症活動
Use kinect to analyze dementia
作者: 張書淵
Chang, Shu-Yuan
關鍵字: 失智症;失智症活動;kinect;dementia
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 隨著人口的高齡化,失智症患者伴隨增加,生物醫學工程的學者們希 望能夠使傳統失智症的診斷過程用動態軟體輔助增加效率及準確度。 此篇 論文是在探討是否有可能使用人體活動捕捉軟體配合XBOX KINECT來做 出一個鑑定失智症嚴重程度的軟體測試模型。 目前判鑑定智症的測驗係由Folstein等人於1975年推出,叫做MMSE 簡短智能測驗,此測驗總共分為六大項目,包括定向感、注意力、記憶力、語言、口語理解及行為能力和建構力等項目,我們希望可以透過使用我們的程式,多加一個三維空間的判斷能力進入這個測驗,使這個測驗的結果能夠更臻完善準確。
With the aging of the population , dementia disease is getting more and more. Biological scholars want to improve the way they examine dementia disease. This thesis is discussing about if we can find a way using programs on XBOX KINECT to further analyze dementia disease. Nowadays, we use a evaluation form which is called MMSE (Mini-Mental State Examination) to evaluate dementia disease. MMSE has six testing subjects. They are Orientation to time and place, Registration, Attention, calculation, Language and Complex commands. We want to add a subject which is comprehension ability in three dimensions space by us-ing our program. We want to improve the accuracy and efficiency of MMSE.
Appears in Collections:Thesis