Title: 磁條卡讀卡機磁頭彈片之最佳化研究
The Finite Element Analysis and Shape Optimization on Spring of Magnetic Card Reader Head
Authors: 張佑傑
Zhang, You-Jay
Hung, Ching-Hua
Keywords: 磁條卡讀卡機;有限元素;最佳化;magnetic card reader;finite element;optimization
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 磁條卡讀卡機廣泛運用在各種場合,最常見的應用如信用卡終端系統、ATM機、磁卡公用電話等各個領域。而磁條卡讀卡機在長期讀卡的過程中,支撐著感應磁頭的彈片容易因疲勞而失效。不容易失效的堅固彈片,卻又存在著反力過大造成卡片磨損等問題。故本研究旨在改善磁頭彈片的失效與控制反力問題。首先利用有限元素分析軟體Abaqus,以建立磁頭彈片模型,嘗試不同的彈片設計,以及模擬改變彈片元件尺寸參數所造成的影響,並經實驗來驗證分析結果的正確性。其次再以最佳化軟體SmartDo搭配有限元素模擬軟體Abaqus,針對磁頭彈片的幾何形狀及尺寸進行最佳化設計,藉由最佳化找出數組零件疲勞壽命與反力較佳的參數,並且製作新的磁頭彈片以驗證最佳化的結果,增加磁條卡讀卡機的可靠度,作為後續類似彈片機構設計的參考。
Magnetic card reader are widely used in many kinds of application such as credit card processing system, automated teller machine and pay telephone. The spring which mount magnetic card reader head usually suffers from fatigue failure with long period of usage. In the other hand, the reaction force of the reader head might be too high to wear the magnetic stripe if the spring is designed too robust. The propose of this thesis is to improve the fatigue strength and to constrain the reaction force of the spring. In this research, the finite element software ABAQUS/Standard was adopted to analyze different designs of the spring to find the key point that causes fatigue failure. The simulated results were verified experimentally. Finally the software SmartDO was adopted to optimize the spring shape. Verification experiments were conducted and the consistency with respect to the optimization results revealed the usefulness of this research.
Appears in Collections:Thesis