标题: TFT-LCD 产业运用接驳车时刻表方法于产品验证排程之容载率提升–以A公司可靠度实验室为实例
Using Shuttle Bus Timetable Schedule to Improve TFT-LCD Reliability Lab Capacity
作者: 许宗宪
Hsu, Tsung-Hsien
Li, Rong-Kwei
Pearn, Wen-Lea
关键字: 接驳车观念;时刻表排程;可靠度验证平台;可靠度验证时刻表;Shuttle Bus;Timetable Schedule;Reliability Platform;Relativity Timetable
公开日期: 2015
摘要: 面板产业,是我国政府所推崇的两兆双星产业,然而在面对着竞争对手-韩国三星,以及逐渐崛起的大陆面板产业,对于台湾整个面板景气来说是个艰辛的产业趋势。那么要在这一个高度竞争的市场中,能够脱颖而出并找到一条属于自己的路,必须靠着产品的差异化、更精进的技术与品质检验的提升。而本研究是以产品在品质保证方面来做一个探讨。以一个案-A公司可靠度实验室来说,因近期产品组合的变化,使得原本可靠度实验室的先进先出派工法(FCFS)已不敷使用,且易造成验证排程的时间冗长,已出现验证排程塞车现象,且也直接造成产品的容载率极低(10 ~15%)。故本研究以接驳车的观念,加上时刻表的方法,引用于个案-A公司可靠度实验室,并得于有效地解决试验排程上的问题,又可以使得可靠度实验室产品容载率的提升。而由本研究结果显示出,原本极低的产品容载率(约10 ~ 15%),是可以提升到100%的容载率。
Panel industry, our government respected binary two trillion industry, is facing competitors from South Korea-Samsung and the gradual rise of China panel industry. The entire panel industry of Taiwan has suffered a difficult trend. Therefore, in order to stand out and find one of our own ways, we must rely on product differentiation and more sophisticated technology and quality upgrade inspection in the highly competitive market. And, this paper is studied on the basis of product quality assurance. In a case - an A company reliability labs, due to changes in the recent portfolio, the original FIFO dispatching reliability laboratory method is not applicable and easily increases the lead time of verification schedule. It has emerged verified scheduled traffic jam and has caused a result of very low capacity-load rate (10-15%). Therefore, this study conducts the concept of "shuttle bus" with timetables method cited in case - an A company reliability laboratory which it has not only effectively solved the problem on the test schedule, but also enhances its products capacity load rate. As the result, the original low loading rate(about 10 to 15%) has raised to full capacity 100%.