標題: 從匠師到藝術家:文化中介者的價值創新與品味塑造
From Craftsmen to Artists:The Value Innovation and the Taste Shape of the Cultural Intermediaries
作者: 黃淑誼
關鍵字: 塑造藝術家;文化中介者;價值創新;品味塑造;技藝薪傳;Shaping Artists;Cultural Intermediaries;the Value of Innovation;Taste and Shape;Skill Heritage
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 七十年代是傳統產業迅速崩解的年代,許多陶瓷廠、老陶師面臨倒閉或轉業的窘境,無不亟思轉型之道。直到今天,傳統技藝已經凋零,林添福的老窯廠卻能轉型為「生態博物館」、「地方文化館」,而林瑞華薪傳父親理念與技藝,為傳統陶找到新出路,在高溫領域發現陶藝界從未看見的柴燒之美—「十彩窯汗」及「釉母」,兩人參加各式展覽與競賽,逐漸累積個人名聲而擁有「藝術家」稱號。 當兩父子專心一意在技藝研究的路途上時,研究者發現這場「塑造藝術家」的過程中,鄧淑慧作為文化中介者扮演相當關鍵的角色。她與官方、非官方團體進行折衝協調、連橫合縱,透過研究出版、策劃展覽、人文茶席、社區工藝、創意產業、技藝傳習等策略,為林家父子進行「價值創新」與「品味塑造」。尤其當受到政府與現代陶藝界的結構制約時,中介者積極運用各方資源持續建設、辦理各類推廣教育之深耕活動,將高溫柴燒技藝的美學新觀念,推廣至社區及國際上,培養更多欣賞「林氏柴燒」的文化消費者。 我的結論發現,傳統文化精神、技藝創新與中介操作是匠師地位躍昇缺一不可的鐵三角,分別也代表著林添福、林瑞華與鄧淑慧。他們窮盡一生都在各自崗位上努力不懈,他們是堅持一藝的「職人」,同時也是生活美學實踐的「藝術家」!
Seventies was the era of the rapid collapse of traditional industries in Taiwan. Many ceramics factories faced bankruptcy, and therefore, the life time career of the senior craftsmen was shortened and these senior craftsmen struggled to work the ways out by finding methods to transform this dying industry.This study focuses on the family industry in Zhunan Snake Kiln—the Lin family, who play an important role in local ceramics industry, especially Lin Tianfu, Lin Ruihua, and Deng Shuhui. Until today, the traditional skills have been withered; however, the old ceramic factory of Lin Tianfu in Zhunan Snake Kiln was able to be transformed into a ceramics Eco-museum and the Local Cultural Hall in Zhunan Snake Kiln. Lin Ruihua has not only inherited from his father’s, Lin Tianfu’s, working philosophy and skills but also worked hard to transform this dying pottery industry to adopt itself into the nowadays world. Besides, Lin Ruihua found the beauty of firewood in the ceramics area--"Ten colored kiln Khan" and "Glazed Mother". Both father and son dedicate their life to the study of ceramics. This research discovers the process of this artist creation. Deng Shuhui, the daughter-in-law of Lin Tianfu, and the wife of Lin Ruihua, was the key role as a cultural intermediaries. Deng Shuhui helps to coordinate both official and unofficial cultural organizations, absorb suggestions, publish related studies, set up exhibitions, tea ceremonies, community technical arts, creative industries, skills transfer learning and other strategies. With many interviews, and historic researches, this study depicts the family’s success to bring out “the Lin Firewood”, which is the new concept of ceramics aesthetics with high-temperature wood-fired skills. The Lin family prospers the local dying ceramics industry by infusing this new craftsmanship. This study shows that the traditional cultural spirit, the skill innovation and the operating status are the three keys of craftsman jumped status. These three elements are also each separately represented by Lin Tianfu, Lin Ruihua and Deng Shuhui.