標題: 旅遊行為、媒體影像與觀光實踐:文化中介者的旅遊意象傳遞
Travel behavior, Media images, and Tourism practice: The Delivery of Cultural intermediaries' Tourism images.
作者: 張芮馨
Chang, Ruei-Sing
Chang, Yu-Pei
關鍵字: 文化中介者;文化消費;狂歡式消費;韓國流行文化;韓國旅遊;Binge consumption;Cultural consumption;Cultural intermediaries;Korean popular culture;Korean tourism
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 過去,傳統台灣文化是受到西方,且多以美國為主的文化影響,以及日本殖民文化殘留的痕跡,與韓國文化較無實質接觸。由於台灣屬於大中華文化,擁有較長遠的文化與文字思考體系,對多數人來說,韓國相較於台灣是屬於較邊陲的國家。然而,近幾年卻有相當大的翻轉,原因與流行文化大量出現非常相關,韓國流行文化的大量崛起,使得泛亞洲的「韓流」文化成形。本研究以「文化中介者(cultural intermediaries)」概念切入,探討韓國文化如何透過大眾媒體重新建構的過程帶來影響,其中,觀光旅遊是一個實踐的方式。文化中介者的出現使得原本處於弱勢的文化藉由文化工業的再製,引起世界各地的重視,產生相當大的經濟效應。此外,本研究亦運用「狂歡式消費(binge consumption)」概念,討論閱聽人在韓國旅遊時的實際經驗,並重新定義與詮釋狂歡式消費。 本研究之方法採取文本分析與深度訪談法兩者並行,先就文化中介者所產出之文本進行文本分析,運用符號學的概念剖析其中的中介機制,再就曾到訪韓國的旅客進行一對一的深度訪談,探討其對文化中介者所傳遞之地方意象的主體詮釋,以及其個人旅遊經驗。研究結果發現:文化中介者在傳達韓國旅遊的地方意象時,會有三種不同的機制,第一,浪漫化既有歷史意義與傳說;第二,透過媒體影像與景點產生連結;第三,純粹資料呈現。這三類機制並非都能吸引每位閱聽人的注意或喜愛,根據閱聽人的旅遊經驗與自身偏好,會有不同的選擇。此外,本研究重新歸納出狂歡式消費的操作型定義:狂歡式消費的必要條件、狂歡式消費的行為內涵與狂歡式消費的效果。
In recent years, the popularity of Korean popular culture has risen in a large number shaping a pan-Asian culture. Taiwan's traditional culture was the subject to the West, mainly the United States, and the remaining of Japanese colonial culture. Since Taiwan belongs to the big Chinese culture, which has a long-term cultural and writing system, for most Taiwanese, the relationship between Taiwan and South Korea is that Taiwan was superior to South Korea. However, it have considerably reversed recently. The reason is relevant to the great quantity of Korean popular culture. For example, Korean dramas and music are fashionable in Taiwan. Even the unknown Korean stars and Korean language have attracted Taiwanese's attention. Based on the concept of cultural intermediaries, this study explores how Korean culture utilizes mass media to influence audiences. Among them, travel is a practical way. It was originally a big distance between Korean and Taiwanese culture. The emergence of cultural intermediaries made the weak culture re-product by culture industry and attracted the great attention people around the world, resulting in greatly economic effects. In addition, based on the concept of binge consumption, this study also discusses audiences' traveling experience and redefines binge consumption. Through in-depth interview and text analysis, this study found that when cultural intermediaries deliver Korean Tourism images, they have three different mechanisms: (1) romanticizing the history and legends (2) establishing a connection between media images and scenic spots (3) showing the pure information. These three mechanisms are not always attracting each audiences' attention. According to audiences' traveling experience and their own preferences, they will have different choices. In addition, this study re-concludes the operational definitions of binge consumption: a necessary conditions, behavior, and final effect.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070259131