Title: 氫鍵及共價鍵雙桿狀藍相液晶混摻之合成及研究
Synthesis and Studies of Hydrogen- and Covalent-Bonded Blue Phase Liquid Crystal Mixtures Containing Bi-Mesogenic Cores
Authors: 褚元佑
Chu, Yuan-Yu
Lin, Hong-Cheu
Keywords: 藍相液晶;混摻;blue phase liquid crystal;mixture
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本實驗合成一系列不對稱氫鍵及共價鍵雙桿狀藍相液晶,將不同的化合物利用混摻之方式探討對於藍相液晶溫寬之影響,利用1H-NMR, EA作為結構鑑定,並以POM, DSC物性方面量測。 我們混摻氫鍵及共價鍵雙桿狀藍相液晶或是與含有壓克力基單體混摻聚合,拓展藍相的溫寬,此外,研究不同混摻莫爾比例對於藍相液晶溫寬之影響。 在研究中,我們發現OBFBA/P*及OBFBBCN以5:5比例混摻有最長的藍相溫寬達14.2 oC。另一方面,混摻聚合具有壓克力基單體M2,當加入2wt%時藍相溫寬可達13.0 oC。
We synthesized liquid crystals consisting of hydrogen-bonded (H-bonded) and covalent-bonded blue phase liquid crystals (BPLCs) with a series of asymmetric bi-mesogenic cores. This paper discusses the compound mixture with different molar ratio. The chemical structures of these compounds were characterized by H1-NMR, Elemental Analyzer, and the liquid crystalline phases behavior of all compounds were identified by POM and DSC. We mixed hydrogen- and covalent-bonded LCs or polymerized by acrylic monomer for expanding blue phase liquid crystal materials. Moreover, we studied BPLCs temperature range by mixing with different molar proportions of hydrogen- and covalent-bonded LCs. In this study, we found that the mixture of OBFBA / P * and OBFBBCN was observed a widest blue phase range (ca. 14.2 oC, for 5: 5 ratio). On the other hand, OBFBA / P * mixed acrylic monomer M2, a widest blue phase range (ca. 13.0 oC, for 2%).
Appears in Collections:Thesis