標題: 大學生主/被動拖延之學業社會比較歷程以及與拖延狀態的相關研究
The Relationships among Active/Passive Procrastination, Academic Social Comparison Processes, and Academic Procrastination State of College Students
作者: 陳佳穎
Chen, Chia-Ying
Liu, Yih-Lan
關鍵字: 學業拖延;主動/被動拖延;社會比較方向;社會比較效應;academic procrastination;active/passive procrastinators;social comparison direction;social comparison effects
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本研究旨在探究大學生主動拖延者與被動拖延者在學業社會比較方向和效應上的差異,以及兩類拖延者之學業社會比較歷程及其對考前拖延狀態的預測性。本研究採用問卷調查法,使用國內外學者所編制、翻譯的「PASS大學生學業拖延量表」、「主動拖延量表」、「學業社會比較方向量表」、「學業社會比較效應量表」與「學業拖延狀態量表(APSI)」,蒐集新竹地區公私立大學共1158名有效樣本為研究對象,篩選所得被動拖延者227人,主動拖延者128人,分別以描述性統計、多變量變異數分析、Pearson積差相關與點二列相關Eta係數及SEM結構方程分析等統計方法進行統計處理。主要研究發現如下:(一)在修習微積分課程中,大學生學業拖延情況與考前複習拖延狀態並不嚴重;大學生對於微積分的重視程度極高,對於微積分考試的難度評價也普遍較高;(二)兩類拖延者在三類學業社會比較方向上存在顯著差異,其中主動拖延者在向上學業社會比較與平行社會比較上顯著高於被動拖延者;在四類學業社會比較效應上兩類拖延者的差異並不顯著,僅在向上同化效應上主動拖延者顯著高於被動拖延者;當控制了微積分重視程度、考試難度、考試發揮自評三個變項後,兩類拖延者在考前複習拖延狀況上的得分也無顯著差異;(三)拖延類型透過學業社會比較方向,並再透過後續的學業社會比較效應所聚合的兩類因應趨向,從而影響拖延狀態;此外,重視程度、考試難度及考試發揮自評對於考前拖延狀態無顯著影響;(四)在模式預測路徑上,拖延類型能正向預測「向上比較」,透過正向預測「正向解釋因應趨向」從而負向預測考前拖延狀況;但是拖延類型無法透過「向下比較」,再經由「負向解釋因應趨向」正向預測考前拖延狀態;(五)兩類拖延者在社會比較及因應歷程對考前拖延狀態的預測模式上的差異接近顯著水準,主要在於社會比較之因應趨向對於考前拖延狀態的預測效應之差異上。具體表現為主動拖延者雖然能透過向上比較預測後續的正向解釋因應趨向,但無法預測考前的拖延狀態;而被動拖延者則可以經由向上比較及後續的正向解釋因應趨向,負向預測考前拖延狀態。兩類拖延者均可以透過向下比較及後續的負向解釋因應趨向,正向預測考前拖延狀態。
The main purposes of this study were to: 1) identify two types of procrastinators: passive procrastinators and active procrastinators of college students in Calculus class, 2) to investigate the differences on social comparison direction, social comparison effect, and academic procrastination state between two types of procrastinators, and 3) to analyze the path model of the relationship among two types of procrastinators, social comparison direction, social comparison effect, and academic procrastination state by using structural equation modeling. Participants were college students from three universities in Hsinchu, who enrolled in Calculus class. Of 1158 participants, two hundred twenty-seven students were identified as passive procrastinators, and one hundred twenty-eight students were identified as active procrastinators. The instruments used in this study include Procrastination Assessment Scale Student, A New Active Procrastination scale (Chinese Version), Academic Social Comparison Direction Scale, Social Comparison Effect Scale and Academic Procrastination State Inventory. Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA), Pearson product-moment correlation, Structural Equation Modeling were used to analyze the data. The main findings of the study were as follows: 1.The academic procrastination of college students in Calculus was not so common. 2.Active procrastinators scored higher in upward comparison and lateral comparison than passive procrastinators, but did not differ from passive procrastinators in downward social comparison direction. 3.Active procrastinators scored higher in upward identification than passive procrastinators,but did not differ from passive procrastinators in other social comparison effects. 4.Type of procrastinators predicted academic procrastination state indirectly firstly through the social comparison direction, and then through the interpretation coping. 5.There is a significant difference between active procrastinators and passive procrastinators on mediating model of social comparison process and academic procrastination state. Upward identification negatively predicted academic procrastination state through the positive interpretation coping, and downward comparison positively predicted academic procrastination state through the negative interpretation among passive procrastinator. Downward comparison positively predicted academic procrastination state through the negative interpretation coping among active procrastinators.