Title: 汽機車駕駛人使用車輛動機及其差異之研究
Motivations of Automobile and Motorcycle Usage and Their Comparisons
Authors: 賴祈延
Lai, Chi-Yen
Chang, Hsin-Li
Keywords: 車輛使用動機;交通社會化;自我決定論;Motivation of vehicle usage;Travel socialization;Self-determination Theory
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 台灣民眾目前主要使用的私人運具為汽車與機車,隨著經濟的成長汽機車數量皆逐年上升,其中機車之使用量一直都遠多於汽車,這種混合車流的構成也對道路環境帶來了許多值得探討的議題,其中在車輛數的管理上,若能了解兩種運具使用者之使用心態上之差異,便能針對該運具提出較有效率的管理政策。於此,本研究之研究目的為比較此兩種私人運具使用者之使用動機差異。在車輛使用的觀點上,除考慮過往研究認為私人運具是一種持有物品外,同時引入車輛使用行為是一種自我決定的行為之概念,合併車輛使用動機及自我決定論(Self-determination Theory, SDT)兩種理論構成對於車輛使用的個人動機。同時,由於交通行為之養成從小就會受到他人影響,故本研究再併入交通社會化理論(Travel Socialization Theory)以考慮父母對於孩童之產生可能影響,結合上述相關理論構建出一個新的車輛使用模式。為驗證理論模式之正確性,本研究從台灣的汽機車使用者中調查了440位汽車使用者及721位機車使用者當作抽樣樣本,由結構方程模式估計後之結果可發現該模式對於兩種車輛使用者皆有良好配適度,且各潛在變項在測量模式之檢驗上也顯示具備良好的信效度。而路徑分析之結果也說明了本研究所預期的各項因素對汽機車使用之假設影響在統計上可得到顯著的支持,其中各項使用動機對兩種車輛使用者之個別使用行為確實產生不同的效果。除此之外,本研究發現擁有不同年齡、性別、幼時被父母使用私人運具接駁之經驗的受測者會有不同的車輛使用行為及動機,而該影響因素對於不同運具使用者也有不同之影響。最後,本研究針對影響因素之可能原因依不同運具進行探討分析並針對各項分析結果提出可能之建議,除了提供給相關當局政策推動上之另一種思考方向,也希望此研究成果能對於其他汽機車使用皆在不斷成長之地區提供一些可嘗試的管理方案。
This study introduces self-determination theory (SDT) to refine previous theories of vehicle usage motivations. Besides, travel socialization theory regarding parental influence on vehicle usage was applied to enhance previous structural models describing vehicle usage behavior. For further discussing vehicle usage, this research constructed an extended model is based on in view of combination of individual motivations and parents’ influence. This newly developed model was empirically verified in samples of 440 automobile and 721 motorcycle users in Taiwan. Beside to assure the validity of the developed structural model, factors to affect the value of each latent variable were also explored and explained. In addition to instrumental, symbolic, and affective motivations, perceived parental attitudes toward automobile/motorcycle using were found to have significant effects on individuals’ automobile/motorcycle use habits, which each factor would affect differently on automobile/motorcycle usage. Additionally, two group of participants who perceived their parents to have more positive attitudes toward private modes were both found to have more experience being chauffeured on automobiles/motorcycles by their parents. A further investigation reveals that experience of being chauffeured by private mode, gender, and age would influence individual motivations. Possible reasons for various values of each latent variable have been discussed and suggestions are provided in this study. These results could understand private vehicle usage and provide the guidance for the policy making of transportation management. Furthermore, transportation professionals who are seeking solutions to confront the challenges brought on by the rapid growth of automobile and motorcycle usage may find possible direction for traffic management.
Appears in Collections:Thesis