標題: 五大人格特質對決策周延性及創業動機之影響:創業環境的調節作用
The Effects of Big Five Personality Traits on Decision Comprehensiveness and Entrepreneurial Motivation:The Moderation of Entrepreneurial Environment
作者: 郭昇瑞
Kuo, Sheng-Jui
Wang, Yau-De
關鍵字: 五大人格特質;決策周延性;創業動機;創業環境;Entrepreneurial motivation;Big-five personality traits;Decision comprehensiveness;Entrepreneurial environment
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本研究旨在探討五大人格特質對創業動機之影響,並以決策周延性為中介效果。本研究的主要目的,除了個人之人格特質及決策周延程度提升創業動機,加入創業環境的調節效果,影響決策周延性對於創業動機的關係。而五大人格特質中外向性、嚴謹性、經驗開放性特質高者具有較高的創業動機,透過決策周延性的中介效果仍有創業動機的產生。在創業環境知覺阻礙的調節干擾下,進一步假設決策周延的程度對創業動機的效果會有所改變。本研究目的在於討論不同的人格特質對於創業動機的影響,以問卷施測來進行資料蒐集,採紙本及網路問卷方式,總計取得一百八十五份有效問卷。研究結果顯示:(1)具開放性、嚴謹性、經驗開放性人格高者對創業動機有正向影響;(2)決策周延性對創業動機有正向影響;(3)決策周延性對開放性人格及創業動機有完全中介效果;(4)決策周延性對嚴謹性、經驗開放性人格高者及創業動機有部分中介效果;(5)創業環境對決策周延性與創業動機之間的調節效果不顯著。本研究結果能夠幫助創業者瞭解決策周延性與環境知覺的因素對於創業動機的影響,在做創業決策前作為參考之用。 關鍵詞:五大人格特質、決策周延性、創業動機、創業環境
This study was aimed at exploring the influence of the big-five personality traits (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness) on entrepreneurial motivation, using decision comprehensiveness as a mediation mechanism on the influence. We used questionnaires to collect data from 185 industrial employees who had had an intention for creating their own businesses. The results showed that their traits of extraversion, conscientiousness, and openness had a positive influence on their entrepreneurial motivation; however, their traits of neuroticism and agreeableness had no such influence. The results also showed that their decision comprehensiveness had a positive influence on their entrepreneurial motivation. And the decision comprehensiveness fully mediated the influence of extraversion on the entrepreneurial motivation, but only partially mediated the influence of conscientiousness and openness on the motivation. We also found that the moderation of entrepreneurial environment on the relationship between the decision comprehensiveness on the entrepreneurial motivation was insignificant. Finally, based on these findings of this study, we discussed in details the implications of the study to the literature and the practitioners. Keywords:Entrepreneurial motivation, Big-five personality traits, Decision comprehensiveness, Entrepreneurial environment