Title: 基於鏡面反射強度變化的錢幣鑑定分析
Coin Authentication Based on Intensity Variation of Specular Reflection
Authors: 李宣翰
Lee, Hsuan-Han
Chung, Jen-Hui
Keywords: 硬幣;真偽辨識;coin;counterfeit
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 現在市面上五十元偽幣氾濫,而隨著製造偽幣的技術愈來愈日新月異,導致很多業者無法有效判別收到的硬幣的真僞。為了有效遏止偽幣,我們藉由影像處理的方法觀察五十元硬幣的光影紋路變化來判別硬幣的真僞。本論文提出的方法和設備能有效率的辨識硬幣的真僞且方便使用者使用。我們希望透過本研究能有效減少偽幣在市面上的流通。
Nowadays counterfeit money has increased to an unacceptable level in Taiwan, especially for fifty dollar coins. As the techniques of counterfeit become more advanced, many traders cannot effectively distinguish the money between authentic or counterfeit. In order to prevent the counterfeit money from running rampant, we propose an image analysis method based on the change of specular reflection of a coin. It is verified through experiments that the proposed approach, and the implement prototype machine, can effectively and efficiently distinguish authentic and counterfeit coins. We hope the proposed approach can prevent effectively suppress the amount of counterfeit money in our society.
Appears in Collections:Thesis