Title: 建構FTCG大學藝文中心經營策略評估模式:形式/主題/脈絡/治理的演繹與應用
Constructing the FTCG Evaluation Framework for University Art Centers: Through Transformation and Application of the Perspective of Form/Theme/Context/Governance
Authors: 黃巧慧
Huang, Chiao-Hui
Chuang, Ming-Chuen
Keywords: 大學藝文中心;美感教育;經營策略;FTC Model;FTCG Model;University Art Centre;Aesthetic Education;Management Strategies;FTC Model;FTCG Model
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 面對未來國內大學整併的危機,大學藝文中心如何善用有限的資源,擬定經營策略,降低受高等教育環境惡化的衝擊,以永續經營?因應這個問題,本研究建構一個理論與管理實務兼備的藝術經營策略評估模式,以提供各大學藝文中心經營之參考。研究者以政大藝文中心為實踐的主要場域,透過三階段循環的行動研究,採理論演繹與行動實踐並進的方式,以藝術教育領域日益廣泛應用的FTC Model (Art= Form+ Theme+ Context)為基礎,擴大為形式/Form、主題/Theme、脈絡/Context 和治理/Governance四個策略向度,並參照藝文組織的績效評量指標,研擬各向度中的評估因素,邀請專家進行重要性評估後,建構「FTCG大學藝文中心經營策略評估模式」。
In a time when funding for universities will only continue to decrease, how can university art centres maintain their promotion of art and aesthetics education? The primary goal of this paper is to both establish a theory of art and a practical means carrying out this theory. Moreover, this paper attempts to create a management strategies assessment method for university art centres that is educational, practical, systematic, flexible, and dynamic. This paper carried out the FTCG Model in a three-cycle action research process, building upon the original FTC model with an added fourth perspective of “Governance”(Art=Form+Theme+Context+Governance).
This paper shows that following the “FTCG Evaluation Framework for University Art Centers” had some positive outcomes. Interviewed professionals overwhelmingly believed that the framework of F (Form), T (Theme), C (Concept) G (Governance) was appropriate and that it was useful in “improving the quality of service for audience members,” “improving the artistic and educational value of the programming,” and “improving the programs’ quality.” Secondly, this study found that every measured assessment factor of FTCG helped university art centres to meet their needs: among 54 assessment factors, the importance of each factor measured on a S/N(signal-noise ratio) rated at 85.2%, showing that the assessment factors used in FTCG proved useful for improving university art centres’ management strategies. Third, the “G” (governance) perspective proved most important of all of the measured factors. The two most valued aspects of each program were “provides a unique artistic experience” and “maintains professional exhibition space.” This paper thus recommends directors of university art centres to use this framework as a point of reference for self-evaluation, improving the quality and effectiveness of art centre programming.
Appears in Collections:Thesis