標題: 智慧型手機使用者面板尺寸選擇模型分析
An analysis of smartphone users' panel size model selection
作者: 陳慧如
Chen, Hui-Ju
Hung, Chih-Young
關鍵字: 智慧型手機;尺寸;smartphone;panel;size
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 觸控式智慧型行動電話,又稱智慧型手機,從1992年11月,由IBM公司所推出的 IBM Simon至今已超過22年,各家廠商紛紛推出了不同尺寸的手機面板以供消費者選擇使用。本文提出影響智慧型手機面板尺寸選擇的3項構面與8項準則因子,以協助面板製造業者在開發新產品時,面板尺寸選擇上能有所依據。本論文使用洪志洋博士提出之Proactive Technology Selection Model(PTSM) 主動式技術選擇模型,此模型首先透過Brainstorming and Delphi 來進行定性的研究,而後加入以 DANP與VIKOR進行定量的研究。此模型將由三個階段組成,第一階段,Delphi 與 Brainstorming 兩方法應用於確認影響智慧型手機尺寸選擇的關鍵因素。第二階段,DANP(DEMATEL –based ANP) 和 VIKOR 方法來產生三個相關報告,這三份報告將輸入於第三階段。在第三階段進行小組式討論的定性方法,然後組合成第二階段的結論,並做出最終決定。使用 PTSM這種直觀而又全面的三階段過程,可以很快地明白智慧型手機使用者在手機尺寸選擇上的關鍵因子。本研究數據顯示,「攜帶便利性」為使用者在選擇智慧型手機面板尺寸上評估中最主要的影響因子,其次依序是「掌握合適度」與「長寬比例」,顯示這三個因子是面板尺寸選擇最重要的影響因素。
Touch smart mobile phone, also known as smart phones, from November 1992, launched by IBM Simon has been more than 22 years.Various manufacturers have introduced different sizes for consumers to choose mobile phone panel use. This paper presents the impact of smart phones panel sizes selected three facets and eight criteria factor to help panel manufacturers in the development of new products, to be based on the choice of panel sizes. In this paper, the use of Proactive Technology Selection Model (PTSM) proactive technology choices proposed model of Dr. Chin-Young Hung, this model is first of all through the Brainstorming and Delphi for qualitative research, and then added to DANP and VIKOR quantitative research. This model will be in three phases, the first phase, Delphi and Brainstorming method was applied to two key factors in the smart phone to confirm the size of the selected influence. The second stage, DANP (DEMATEL -based ANP) and VIKOR method to generate three related reports, three reports will enter the third stage. Qualitative methods group discussions conducted in the third stage, and then combined into the second stage of conclusion, and make a final decision. Use PTSM three-stage process, you can quickly understand smartphone users in handset size selection key factor. The research data show, "carrying convenience" for the user to select the most important factor to assess the smartphone panel size, followed by the sequence is "master suitability" and " Proportion " of these three factors panel size selection is the most important factor.
Appears in Collections:Thesis