標題: 針對分散式匿名頻寬交易的穩固點對點網路傳輸方案
Luke-net: a robust peer-to-peer network scheme for anonymous distributed bandwidth trading service
作者: 伍立鈞
Wu, Li-Jiun
Wu, Yu-Sung
關鍵字: 交易系統;匿名路由;同儕網路;比特幣;anonymous routing;Bitcoin;Peer-to-peer network;trading system
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 在目前的網路架構下,使用者只能選擇網路提供商所提供的方案來租借網路服務,但是那往往會造成使用者的支出與和其使用的傳輸量不相符的情況,如何更有效率的使用閒置的頻寬成為了一個重要的議題。另外由於近年來各國政府頻頻地與網路提供商及線上服務提供商合作以進行網路活動的監控,許多使用者不再信任這些提供商所提供的硬體網路、網路服務,礙於許多資源被這些提供商掌握,使用者如何從軟體層面來進行資料傳輸與個人身分的保護也成為了一個重要的議題。 在此研究中,我們嘗試去解決這兩個問題,基於有效利用閒置頻寬的概念,我們去建構一套頻寬交易系統,此系統可以讓使用者透過販賣頻寬來賺取收錄以抵銷他付給提供商的多餘支出。另外基於提供商不可信任的想法,他人在購買頻寬時會有保密性的需求。則我們提供了一套加密式匿名路由,當使用者購買頻寬時,只有購買者本身知道其資料所流經的路徑,且資料本身經由加密來防止他人窺視與竄改;同時購買者在支付金錢給頻寬販售者時,其路由也不會因為付款或驗證的程序而洩漏出去。除此之外,我們也設想了可能因應而生的惡意節點來設計處罰機制。
In nowadays network architecture, to borrow physical network service, users can only choose one of schemes which provide by the internet service providers. However, it often causes the traffic capacity the user uses is not worth the price the user pay. Therefore, how to efficiently use the idle bandwidth becomes an important issue. Besides, in this few years, many security departments of countries cooperate with the internet service providers and online service providers to monitor citizens’ network activities. Many of people become mistrusting to the services which provides by these internet service providers and online service providers. With less hardware resource, how users to protect their data transfer information and personal identity on the Internet with the software is also an important issue. In this research, we try to solve these two issues. To improve the utility of bandwidth, we construct a bandwidth-trading system, which make users can earn money from selling its bandwidth to pay a part of internet service charge. To protect personal information, the purchasers may have a requirement to use highly secure data transfer. Therefore, we presents an encrypted anonymous routing mechanism. When users buy the bandwidth, only their selves can know the full route and the entire route is encrypted to avoid others spying or modifying data. When users pay, no any routing information would be leaked to others because of payment procedure or verification procedure. Furtherly, we consider the possible malicious behavior which is specific to attack our system and we design a punish mechanism to punish them.
Appears in Collections:Thesis