Title: 使用氮化鋁及閘極介電質成長後電漿處理法改善三五族砷化銦量子井場效電晶體元件特性之研究
InAs Quantum Well MOSFETs Performance Improvemant by Using pre-AlN Passivation Layer and In-Situ PEALD Post Remote Plasma Treatment
Authors: 林冠宇
Lin, Guan-Yu
Maa, Jer-sen
Chang, Edward-Yi
Keywords: 量子井場效電晶體;高介電係數閘極介電質氧化物;閘極介電質鈍化效應;氮化鋁介面活性層;閘極介電質成長後電漿處理;電漿增強型原子層化學氣相沉積系統;InAs Quantum well MOSFET;High-k dielectrics/III-V materials;PEALD-AlN Interfacial Passivation Layer;Post Remote-Plasma Treatment
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 當矽材料為主的互補式金氧半導體元件接近微縮極限,因為三五族砷化鎵材料的高電子遷移率及磊晶技術的進步,所以砷化銦通道的金氧半高電子遷移率電晶體在高頻及低耗能邏輯應用具有非常大的發展空間。
When silicon complementary metal oxide semiconductor(CMOS) scaling approaches to the end of the roadmap, III-V compound semiconductors have high electron mobility property and the epitaxial technology has progressed. Therefore, InAs-based QW-MOSFETs are particularly promising for high frequency and low-power logic application.
Unlike Si, III-Vs are lack of high-quality native oxide making Si as the mainstream VLSI technology. Choosing suitable gate dielectrics not only makes gate leakage much lower but also has better electrical characteristics. This study demonstrates Al2O3 and HfO2 on InAs-based QW-MOSFETs with interfacial passivation layers, AlN, and post remote-plasma(PRP) treatment. Both of these two passivation methods are of in-situ atomic layer deposition(ALD) process, so our process can avoid from high temperature process and prevent from oxide surface exposing to the air. Thus, oxide quality can be enhanced accordingly. In this study, AlN passivation layer and post remote plasma are applied on the HfO2 device. We got very good electrical characteristics. Subthreshold swing is 90 (mV/dec.). DIBL is 80(mV/V). In the future, the passivation methods could be applied on different device architectures, such as FinFET, gate-all-around, and 2-D materials.
Appears in Collections:Thesis