標題: 初探QRAC教學策略對國二生國文科白話文閱讀理解能力之影響
An Exploratory Study of the Effects of QRAC Teaching Strategy on Eighth Graders’ Chinese Vernacular Reading Comprehension
作者: 高詩惠
Kao Shih Hui
Wu Jiun Yu
關鍵字: QRAC教學策略;閱讀理解能力;語文程度;國中白話文;學習投入;QRAC teaching strategy;reading comprehension;language ability;junior high school vencular reading comprehension;learning engagement
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 本研究旨在探討QRAC閱讀策略對國二學生在國文科白話文閱讀理解能力的影響,同時了解接受QRAC閱讀教學的學生對此策略的看法與感受,研究結果以量化資料呈現,並輔以部分質化資料。本研究採準實驗法,以新竹市某完全中學國二三個班級共75人作為研究對象,一班為異質分組小組QRAC、一班為個人QRAC,一班為安靜閱讀組,在103學年度下學期三次段考中各選取一課進行QRAC教學,共計進行三次。研究者除分析學生整體閱讀能力表現,同時探討QRAC對不同程度學生在閱讀理解基本與進階層次上是否產生不同影響。 研究結果顯示,接受QRAC閱讀策略的國二學生整體閱讀理解能力沒有顯著優於未接受此教學的學生,小組QRAC學生在整體與不同層次閱讀理解上與其他組相較也無顯著差異。雖學生的整體閱讀能力並未提升,但可喜的是,個人QRAC對低語文程度學生在整體與閱讀基本層次表現上皆有顯著的進步幅度,顯示個人QRAC對語文程度較弱的學生有明顯的幫助,除驗證前人研究成果,也凸顯QRAC應用於補教教學的可行性。雖接受QRAC閱讀教學的學生學習投入未顯著優於對照組學生,但學生對此教學方式普遍仍呈現肯定正向的看法,他們在學習過程中的笑容與課堂的專注度是漸進提升的。最後,本研究依據研究結果針對教師教學、學校行政與未來研究提出建議,以供實務教學與後續研究之參考。
This study aimed to explore the effects of QRAC reading strategy on eigth graders’ vernacular reading comprehension. In addition, students’ feeling and response toward the instruction were aslo discussed. The result was presented by quantitative data, qualitative data was as a subsidiary role. This study adopted quasi-experimental research method. The participants were 75 eigth graders’ from three different classes of a junior high school in Hsinchu city. One was taught in group QRAC, another was in individual QRAC, and the other was silent reading group, acted as a control group. We chose three lessons from different achievement tests during the second semester of 2015 to conduct the QRAC reading strategy. Besides students’ overall reading comprehension, we aslo wanted to know if there’s the same efffect on different level of students’ basic and advanced reading comprehension. The result showed that there was no significant difference after conducting QRAC in two QRAC groups, which indicated that students who received QRAC reading instruction didn’t outperform those who didn’t. Besides, students in group QRAC were aslo have no significant difference on basic and advanced reading comprehension with other groups. However, the good new is for those low achievers, individual QRAC helped them a lot with their basic and overall reading comprehension. This study not only replicated pervious studies, but aslo showed the feasibility of individual QRAC in remedial class. Though QRAC teaching strategy had no significant difference compared with other groups in learning engagement, students still held positive attitudes toward the instruction. They were smiling and paying more attention during chinese class. Finally, the study presented some suggestions and directions for teaching, school administration and future research.